Helianthus Tuberosus
Jerusalem Artichoke
Early Autumn 2023
- 1
Late Summer 2023
- 2
Late Spring 2021
- 5

Helianthus Tuberosus
Early Autumn 2023
Late Summer 2023

I had to stake this one after something pulled it over onto the ground and nibbled off all the unopened flower buds. Woodchunk? Squirrel? Surely not one of the baby rabbits. #midwesternnative #101uses

No! Something as cute as a baby rabbit would never do such a mean thing!!! 🥰🤣
Late Spring 2021

I greatly envy the crystal-clear photos others post on #wildlifewednesday -- I got incredibly close to this guy with the camera phone but it still came out fuzzy. The long tail revealed all: I have muskrats in my yard! I was thinking he had to be a mahogany-coated woodchuck of some sort. He was matter-of-factly harvesting my #midwesternnative sunchoke stalks. So happy to see this guy!

Wow. A muskrat. I can never get the good pics either. I think my phone focuses on the foreground and the rest gets blurred. 👍😍

Very cool. I might run if I saw it though😂

You’re not alone, my photos on my phone can be very variable 🤷♀️ Particularly when it needs to focus on something dark like this

@cowdenkyle these guys are nothing to be afraid of; there was one at the pond a mile or so from here that a girl at the laundromat used to hand feed. They're remarkably tame.
#exoskeletal #wildlifewednesday