It is a nightmare @midnightgardener ! The Cane Toad of the Southeastern USA! What these photos never make clear is that for some reason snakes love kudzu. Any area invaded by kudzu is practically knee-deep in snakes, and in that area it means copperheads and rattlers...
Ah, but kudzu laughs at that too @midnightgardener ! The only solution is to dig out the 300-lb taproot. They even proved to chuckle at the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
What kudzu vines think about #killitwithfire
A terrible vine. It’s wrecked havoc in Hawaii and other places. Do not plant this anywhere. My opinion.
Huge stretches of the Southeastern USA are completely covered with it.
Looks like ancient jungle 😂
Heavens that looks like a jungle nightmare 😱
It is a nightmare @midnightgardener ! The Cane Toad of the Southeastern USA! What these photos never make clear is that for some reason snakes love kudzu. Any area invaded by kudzu is practically knee-deep in snakes, and in that area it means copperheads and rattlers...
@emch Oh heavens that's bad, very bad 😱
The vines can grow a foot every day @midnightgardener
@emch Crikey, that's shocking. Some heavy duty weed-killer needed there 😱
Ah, but kudzu laughs at that too @midnightgardener ! The only solution is to dig out the 300-lb taproot. They even proved to chuckle at the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.