Stapelia gigantea
Starfish flower
Early Summer 2024
- 3
Early Autumn 2022
- 3
Late Autumn 2020
- 7

Stapelia gigantea
Early Summer 2024
Early Autumn 2022

Hardly any flower anywhere is more penetratingly #fragrant than this dinner-plate-sized baby LOL #brown #succulent


Oh WoW 😮
Late Autumn 2020

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas when I see a flower bud on the Giant Hairy Starfish Flower #brown #fragrant #succulent

What's your tips for these to bloom Eileen

I (very irregularly) use Espoma liquid cactus food and give them 1/2 to 3/4 of a day of bright, direct light, the rest of the day very bright shade. They really seem to bloom best if they are newly planted cuttings or older plants that have been newly pruned.

Bone Meal Works 😉

@txgardener I don't remember if I added bone meal to this one, but it blooms like a champ for me. I can definitely add it next time I repot.

Thats how i get my cacti to bloom 😉 @emch ur the stapelia queen! How many varieties of foul smelling flower cacti do u have?

Hmm...H. zebrina and procumbens, S. lepida, leendertzia, scitula, schinzii var. angolensis and gigantea, plus Caralluma speciosa. And the mystery one. I think that's it @txgardener
I am fairly certain that tiny nubbin is a flower stem, emerging in time for #succulentsunday
Such a cool picture of the flower stem !