Rhododendron 'Luteum'
Mid Spring 2023
Mid Spring 2023

I have been waiting for this to flower to find out what it is. I’m absolutely gutted to find out that it’s highly toxic to dogs. Think I am going to watch her like a hawk and see if she is taken with it. Really don’t want to did it up as I love it! #Dogs #highlytoxic

It's very beautiful 😍 On the dog front, I wouldn't worry too much, unless your dog is a compulsive plant eater!! It really would have to devour a lot of the plant to have an effect. I have 4 cats, and a lot of plants that are toxic to them, they never touch them 🤷♂️

@hebelover the problem is she does chew them. Especially woody shrubs. She’s had a few reactions and vet visits because of this.🙁 I’ve had to remove numerous plants.

Ah OK then, definitely best keep an eye out then!!

It’s gorgeous, could you put something around the bottom of it to stop your dog getting to it??

@sieveheadsarah I have a couple of other plants that I have put a metal mesh Cage round. Does the job but looks horrible!

Oh, what about that stuff that’s for the green coating on it, maybe that would merge in a bit better 🤨🤔

@sieveheadsarah maybe. Thanks. I will need to do some research if she’s interested. She doesn’t seem to be up to now, so fingers crossed.