Lonicera japonica 'Hall's Prolific'
Honeysuckle 'Hall's Prolific'
Late Spring 2020
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 6
Mid Summer 2017
- 7

Lonicera japonica 'Hall's Prolific'
Late Spring 2020
Early Spring 2018

I think my honeysuckle has had it 😢 #honeysuckle #idontlikewinter

There's lots of green there still Stefani, couldn't you prune the dead branches out. This is supposed to be fully frost hardy though, so could it be something else? 🤔🤔

Hi @pelly Jane. It was OK until a week or 2 ago and then it started going brown.... We've had some strong winds and lots of snow, I'm wondering if it's been damaged by the wind as the trellis isn't attached to the wall anymore, its holding by a thread. I'll try and save it hopefully 😊

Could be that then, I hope you succeed Stefani 👍👍

Thank you @pelly I hope so, I have Wrens that nest in it every year so hopefully it'll be OK

Don't give up when the wrens have fledged you could always cut back really hard and let it sprout from the base, good luck 🤞
Mid Summer 2017

My wonderful #honeysuckle 💚 it loves to tangle itself around my Tibetan prayer flags and intertwines with the Buddleia to the right. I was lucky enough to have a family of Wren's nesting in here not so long ago, Mum, dad and Fleglings have now left so I can start to tidy it up again now ❤ #faeriegardener #beginner

How wonderful, a family of Wrens you were so very lucky! I saved one sweet little Wren from the clutches of one of my Torties! In fact it's just occurred to me to put the pic up. I love birds so much and my garden 🌝🌝Thank you for following. Have a great weekend 🦋🐝🐝

I believe so @midnightgardener ❤ they are very special birds 😊 I also have a Tortie but she would probably be too scared to try and catch anything bigger than flies lol!

@faerie oh my you have a Tortie I'd love to see her! Please put a photo up. People put this and that up it's not all flowers and plants you know!😄I've got two Torties, a big fluffy black girl, and then there's Henry. He's the son of one of the Torties; he's a naughty cat quite a bully! He's lovely with me of course 😺😺😊

@midnightgardener Henry is a male Tortie? Oh how unusual!! Mitsy is our Tortie and her Brother Bobby is ginger & white. I do have pictures of them in the garden so I might post them later 😁 x

@faerie 😄No surprisingly he's a ginger/white Tom! He's on my page on the rockery. What a sweet name Bobby, I love that! Ooh please post them when you can I'd love to see them 😊😊Have a lovely Sunday 🦋🐝🐝🐝🐝

Awwww we have the same cats @midnightgardener 😁 your Henry sounds just like my Bobby in the behaviour department! I'll post pics as soon as I can 😊
This was heavily pruned last year, now this year it's full of flowers and flower buds, and the delicious scent fills the garden 😊 #perfectforpollinators #beefriendly