Laurus Nobilis
Bay Tree
Mid Summer 2021
- 4
Early Spring 2020
- 1
Late Winter 2020
- 2
Late Winter 2020
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2017
- 4
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Late Winter 2017
- 1
Late Winter 2017
- 1
Late Summer 2016
- 1
Late Summer 2016
- 1
Early Summer 2016
- 3
Early Summer 2016
- 8
Early Spring 2016
- 13
Early Spring 2016
- 2
Early Spring 2016
- 1
Late Summer 2015
- 9

Laurus Nobilis
Mid Summer 2021
Early Spring 2020

Flower buds ready to burst on this bay 👍
Late Winter 2020

Plenty of buds on one of my Bay 🌳
Mid Spring 2018

Lots of new growth on the bay 😀
Early Spring 2017

Close up 😆

Never realised there was so much detail

Didn't realise bay trees flowered @fuschia 😂

Yep and really full of blooms. I have 3. 2 standard and this one I keep in a triangle shape 🌲
Early Spring 2017

Love these flowers on my bays 😍
Late Winter 2017

Bay leaf anyone ?? 😘
Late Winter 2017

A baby bay ❤️. I get so many I just give them away 😜
Late Summer 2016

Plenty of bay leaves on this one 👍👍
Late Summer 2016

#foliage bay leaves
Early Summer 2016

The last one of my babies. Gave the rest to friends and neighbours 😜

A keeper ! Have two !

I already have 3 @junebensted lol x😃
Early Summer 2016

One of my bay trees has gone mad. Need to shape it again.

Wow that looks lush 😀

@fuschia do you dry it for cooking?

Is that the same plant if it is that is amazing

Time for a haircut 😂

@KatieCat I have several bays but I only occasionally use the leaves. I have taken cuttings and given them away once established. Should have a bay farm lol 😂😂😂😂😂

@fuschia pearl you really should start a bay leaf business, I use lots of bay leaves when cooking and they are so expensive to buy

I'll send you some if you give me your adress. I will only throwing them away 😉😉. If you are on fb inbox me x
Early Spring 2016

One I made earlier 👍😃

🙌🏼👏🏼👍 you've been watching to much Blue Peter, 😉 "no sticky tape" 🤓 impressed well done

Ha ha ha Just picked it off and stuck it in @lamaisonbleueoleron Voila 👍. Left it outside over winter and still here 😂😂

Nice one free plants always a bonus 👍👏👏 @fuschia

Yes @juliesgarden sadly my fuchsia cuttings didn't do well 😩

I was about to say you have the touch 😊 fuchsia needs a bit more tlc 🙏🏻😂

Neither did mine 😞 @fuschia

Still time for fuschia cuttings. Don't bin them yet.

#baytree #laurus

Thanks @joanboston will keep them a little longer 👍

@lamaisonbleueoleron I normally leave the fuchsia outside but I put them in an outbuilding this time 😖

Hold on in there fingers cross it may start again. I lost one to airborne disease😱🙈 last year and had been doing so well a white one delicate flowers a true gem. I can't decided to take a chance an buy another.
Early Spring 2016

One of my bay trees in bloom 😊

#baytree #laurus #white
Early Spring 2016

Flowers on one of my bays 😊
Late Summer 2015

Hi all i am new on here so excuse any mistakes i make. My poor bay tree has several yellow leaves. I had this standing in a saucer in a large pot. With all the rain we had is it waterlogged pls?? Any suggestions? Thanks

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Is the pot big enough? Try potting into a bigger pot and put some gravel in the tray so the pot is not stood in water.

Thanks. I will try that as I have never repotted it. Will it be ok to do it now do you think?

I'm sure it will be fine @fuschia

I agree with Joan... It looks like it needs a little more room to spread its roots plus it probably got a little water logged. I'm sure repotting in something larger will help. Good luck 👍

Thanks for your help
My Bay has gone mad , so tall 🤩
But it makes the caravan more interesting 😉😜
We need rid of the caravan. Bought it as a playroom for our children who are now grown up. Still has their toys in but they have nowhere to put them so we are stuck with it 🤪 @sharonhayden
That’s a good idea