Melianthus major 'Purple Haze'
Honey Bush 'Purple Haze'
Early Winter 2017
- 2
Mid Autumn 2017
- 2
Late Spring 2017
- 3
Mid Spring 2017
- 5
Early Winter 2016
- 1
Mid Autumn 2016
- 9
Early Autumn 2016
- 16
Late Summer 2016
- 4
Late Summer 2016
- 1
Late Summer 2016
- 7
Late Spring 2016
- 5

Melianthus major 'Purple Haze'
Early Winter 2017
Mid Autumn 2017

I hope these 4 manage to survive Winter, last year frost got all bar 1, but once cut back to the ground they've done wonderful to recover to the size they are this year. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

Late Spring 2017

Oooh look at the flower!! 😄

@hayleyaj ooooh!!💘😍

Wow I've never seen it flower 🌸 💕
Mid Spring 2017

Ladies and gents, one of my beauties has a flower spike coming, so if anyone would like seeds when ready, please just let me know 😃😃😃😃

It looks lovely but I don't have the room ATM ,kind offer , thanks 😁

Let me know if you find a space! 😂😂 @titchyfra

How fabulous 👍🏻I've never seen it flower. I had a melianthus once but we then had the coldest winter in 40 years...

I'll take some, lol, but, postage would be ridiculous. :)
Early Winter 2016

Just brrrrr!! 🕸🕸🕸 #frosty
Mid Autumn 2016

Here you go Julie! Your baby will grow to be just like this!! 💚👌 @vec

Can't wait, I haven't looked it up yet, how do they cope in the cold?

Mine have been in the garden since youngsters and have coped with 2 winters so far Julie 👍 @vec

I wouldn't plant out now though I'd wait til Spring. So they can get established @vec 😃

You have a gorgeous garden!

Oh thank you! It's a labour of love!! 😊 @lovestogarden

It shows!

Lovely! Does it flower?

Thank you. Was going to wait until springtime ☺
Early Autumn 2016

Here you go Jeff, a pic of one of then in the garden, on the wet Sunday morning! 😃😃 @jeatacake

I like these. Already on my wishlist 😍

Lovely photo Hayley 😍

Lovely & big too! Thanks Hayley, much appreciated 👍👌😊

@vec really easy to grow from seed. 👍😃😃

Ooh are they... will look out for some then. Thank you 😊

Julie, I have some seeds if you'd like me to send you some? @vec 👍👍😃

That would be fantastic thank you Hayley. If you send me your address via email I'll send you an s.a.e

Will email you now 👍@vec

Envelope ready for posting Hayley 😊

Could you make use of some echium blue bedder seeds Hayley ?

Ooh yes please!! Put your address in the envelope and I'll send you a sae 👍👍👏👏😃😃
Late Summer 2016

@jeatacake here's the ones the other side of the same bed 😀

Wow that looks fantastic 😆

@katmat33 grown from seed 2 years ago. They just keep on producing new incredible leaves 😍😀

Wow! Fabulous 👌 You've convinced me. Outdoors it is then (next year)! 😁👍
Late Summer 2016

@jeatacake here you go Jeff! Another pic to follow 😀
Late Summer 2016

#foliage 😜

👍 I have one of these. I grew it from seed last year. It's only about a foot high & still in a pot. Is yours big & flowering?

@jeatacake hi Jeff, I grew all mine from seed. I had 6. Put one in a pot to see how it would fair, all flowered bar that one so relocated it to garden. They are about 5ft now and lovely. So structural and prehistoric looking! Mine are now in their 2nd year 😀

Wow, well done 👍 They've done way better than mine. I only got 1 to grow out of the packet too! I feared it may not be 100% hardy here, so will overwinter in the greenhouse again & plant out next year I think 😊

@jeatacake where are you Jeff? They do prefer not being in a pot. Mine are in the middle bed so get plenty of sun and are exposed to the elements 😀

I'm in St Helens, but have a large south facing border for it next spring! I dare not risk it outside just yet this winter. ⛄❄😀

@jeatacake you know your garden. Once established it will be fine I'm sure! 😀
Late Spring 2016

Help me identify this plant, I call it a Megasorous as I'm sure it begins with M! Just can't remember...grown from seed and planted summer 2015, they grew all over the winter too

I would love to know too it's lovely. I have a space for one of these #hayleyaj

It grow a big deep red flower spike that lasts forever!!

At first I thought Mimosa but that doesn't have red flowers so now not sure @hayleyaj

#clhoney143 the flower is now producing seed pods, I will happily send you some so you can grow your own if you'd like.
Well I don't think they realise it's #winter ! All growing massively and producing lots of new leaves. Considering I had to cut 3 back to the base in Spring as the frosts got to them! 😄😄😄#foliage
Love these 😍😍😍