Aloe Vera
Late Spring 2022
Early Summer 2019

So my #aloe started getting brown and super thin and curled. I tried watering more and moving into more sun but just kept looking. Worse although middle looks good and more green. I #harvested the outer leaves to use what little is in them and hope that it grows better this time around. Any #suggestions

It could actually be too much sun too soon(they need to be acclimated to more sun and heat) or too much water.

I agree with @littlemorningglory I have quite a few Aloe Vera’s down here in Texas and they do like the sun but not all day sun or maybe yours are getting afternoon sun. If they were mine I would put them in just morning sun until they come around Their tuff I’m sure they’ll be fine. Let us know 👍🏻🤗🤗😊💕
Mid Winter 2019

Again another plant I just felt like I had to have to be a true plant owner. Plus want to start making aloe products with the girls.... #aloe #aloevera
He's changing colors for sure I want it red not brown....ugh lol #aloevera I May cut off the bent one for sunburn