Hyacinthus orientalis
Mid Spring 2022
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Hyacinthus orientalis
Mid Spring 2022
Mid Spring 2022

#hyacinth #hyacinth-rembrandt #richpurple Sorry I am posting these so much. My first time growing these. So in love with them 💟

They are gorgeous 💜💜 bring them on 😍

You are so kind. Thanks. 💜 @sanja16

Beautiful colour 💜💜

Thanks ladies. Love this colour 💟💟 @juliesgarden @columbiariver

Thanks Karen. I feel badly when I keep posting the same things. They just make me so happy. 😍😍 @KOutdoors

Thanks Karen. I will. 😍 @KOutdoors

It deserves lots of photos 😍

Thanks Kerry. I have to agree. It will be my new Herbert. 😂🤣 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr but much less lazy 😉😂

I had a dahlia last year named Herbert Smith. He only gave me 2 blooms and he was the slowest bloomer ever. 😂🤣 We made fun of him. He got me back by shrivelling up when I tried to save his tubers. 🙀😂 @KOutdoors

Thanks Katy. My first time ever growing them. I must bring one inside for the fragrance 👍💜💟 @gjones
Mid Spring 2022

#hyacinth-rembrandt #purplehyacinth #sopretty

Wow!! 💘😍

Absolutely beautiful 🤤🤤🤤

What a gorgeous purple, seems like so long ago mine bloomed

Thanks so very much lovely ladies. I absolutely love this purple. 💟💟 @ShelleySnyder @kez001uk @gjones @lesliecole49

My pleasure Diane! 💘😍


Thanks so much Cherie. Love this rich purple. 💟 @cheriej
Mid Spring 2022

#hyacinth #hyacinth-rembrandt #pinkhyacinth #openingupnow

Lovely colour 😍

Fantastic color! And the scent of hyacinth is even more fantastic! 💘😍

Thanks Julie and Shelley. So glad these finally appeared. 😍 @juliesgarden @ShelleySnyder

Very welcome! 💘😍

It’s turning out so pretty 💗💗💛

It is just perfect. One of them got knocked over by a critter but the rest are great. The tulips are really coming along too. 🌷🌷😍 @kez001uk
Mid Spring 2022
Mid Spring 2022

#hyacinth #hyacinth-pink #finallylookingpinker #almostthere

Yay! The pink is showing 😁

Finally. I was worried for nothing. Thought it would be like the purple one and look really pink from the start. 🤦♀️🤷♀️ @kez001uk

@hkyfvr some plants like to keep us guessing 😅

They definitely do. I have to get used to that. 🤷♀️ @kez001uk

@hkyfvr you & me both! 🤣
Mid Spring 2022

#hyacinth #hyacinth-pink #almostthere #lovethefragrance

Hyacinths are amazing things. They look far too fancy & way too fragrant to be so hardy! 🤩

I agree Jeff. They are sturdy though. This one looks like it is going to be yellow but it is supposed to be pink. I will love whatever colour I get. 💛💗💛👍 @jeatacake

You might be able to tell for sure in another 24 hours 🤔

Thanks Jeff. Will let you know. 👍😍 @jeatacake
Mid Spring 2022

#hyacinth-rembrandt #purple-blooms #sweetfragrance #almostthere
Mid Spring 2022

#hyacinth #hyacinth-rembrandt #makingprogress #bloomingsoon #frostynightsahead

Almost there 🤗

It is going to go below zero for the next few nights. Hope everything will survive. Maybe some snow on Wednesday too. 😫😫 🤞🤞 @kez001uk

Oh good grief! Will this crazy weather ever stop!? No of course not, how about, will spring ever get here!?

It was relatively warm but rained all day today. My daffodils are just ready to open and my hyacinths too. Hurry up Spring so I can enjoy these plants. I have a feeling we will go straight into Summer this year. 😫🤷♀️ @lesliecole49

@hkyfvr surely no more snow 😩 frost is worse though I guess 🥺 I’m willing your plants to get through the next few nights 🙏🏻

Unfortunately yes. Tonight is going below zero and tomorrow rain and snow and only up to 2 degrees. Same the next day but then gradual warming. The weekend look sunny with mid teen temps. We just have to get through the next few days. Mommy Robin will not be happy with this weather 😫🤦♀️ @kez001uk

@hkyfvr it’s madness, really it is 🙈 must drive you a bit crazy this time of year, wanting to get the garden sorted but the weather having other ideas 🫤 got an image in my head of the nest covered over with a crochet blanket 😂

It makes me impatient. Especially this year as it is my first year planting spring bulbs and I really want them to flower. I thought I saw Mrs Robin with a crochet hook. 🤣😂 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr that’s not surprising. You wanna see what you planted 😛 robins are very clever! 🤣

With snow flurries today I think my spring plants have halted their growth. Hope the baby bird don’t hatch till it warms up in a few days. Daddy Robin will have to feed them while Mom keeps them warm. 😕 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr better that than opening and being ruined 😜 the baby is in the best place, warm & snuggled up 🥰
Mid Spring 2022

#hyacinth #hyacinth-rembrandt #firstoneever #moretocome #excited

Very excited that the weather is warming up so my spring bulbs will flower soon. Can’t wait for the scent of these plant. I have quite a few. 👍💜💗 @KOutdoors

Thanks Karen. I hope so. 😍 @KOutdoors

The snow revealed plants 😁 will be smelling this one in no time 😛

I know. So excited. Have at least 10 hyacinths. Half are purple and the others are pink of course. My first ones ever. 💜💗 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr they’ll go together beautifully 💗💜 I can’t wait to see them in all their glory 😍

Thanks Kerry. Will post for sure. 💗💜 @kez001uk
#hyacinth #hyacinth-rembrandt #purplicious
Beautiful 💜
Thanks Janice. Love the colour of this beauty 💜💜 @lovestogarden