Late Winter 2023
Early Winter 2018

Finally taking some of the prickly pear propogations out to the farm for planting 😍 here’s the first ever prickly pear that I plant with the intention of it being commercial👌 I say that because it’s the first on the farm, but I’ve planted maybe a thousand of these 😂 excited 😛

#pricklypear #winter #garden #gardening #gardener #plants #nature #happy #plant #naturephotography #landscaping #landscapers #landscapelovers #la #lancaster #losangeles #cali #california



Late Spring 2018

When you hire a Mexican to dispose of a 20 ft cactus, he naturally takes all the cuttings homes 😋 2 dozen pups lmao free nopales for my home and ranch 😂 the good kind too ..makes tunas 👌

#opuntia #cactus #cacti #nopales #pricklypear #tunas #flowering #spring #springtime #garden #gardening #gardener #plants #nature #plant #naturephotography #la #landscaper #landscaping #altadena #losangeles #california #cali

There's a big prickly pear/nopales plant here. I was raking earlier and accidentally backed into it. My son and I got all kinds of thorns on us. What's the best way to remove them?

I use tweezers to take them out and rub alcohol on the area after to not infect it. If there are not many or are small the best way honestly is to let them push themselves out. @nikkicasas

@nikkicasas btw if you got the fuzzy little ones don’t scratch it they can make a rash if you haven’t built up a tolerance ..I hate the little ones lol the medium and big ones I can avoid when peeling but those lil guys are invisible lol almost always get a hand full of spines when I peel em. Now tolerant basically and majority fall out if I run my hands together lol

Magnesium sulphate paste will pull them out. It’s like a poltice. (Epsom salts mixed with water basically). Can be bought as a paste.

This is why I hate cactus 🌵. I’m so clumsy I always prick myself. I have a friend who was brought up in war between Turkey and Cypress. They all had to run through bushes and hide in a specially built escape. They were there to take the men and boys. She said taking the prickles out while trying to not to make a noise was horrible for a 9 yr old.

I find the best was to remove thorns, especially the little fuzzy ones is to put a layer of classic white glue over the area. Let it dry and peel the glue and the thorns right off. ❤

Thanks @honestgreensco @pixierose @Sussanah @lovestogarden. I was able to tweeze most of them out but I can still feel em 😣🌵. I will try some of your ways tomorrow🌕

You’re welcome 🙏🏼
sending off some prickly pear pads to a client so they can grow there own healthy cactus pads 🛫🫡 #cactus #nopales #opuntia #growfood #permaculture #california