Viburnum opulus 'Roseum' syn. Viburnum opulus 'Sterile'
European Snowball Bush
Mid Spring 2020
- 3
Late Spring 2019
- 10
Mid Spring 2019
- 7
Mid Spring 2019
- 9

Viburnum opulus 'Roseum' syn. Viburnum opulus 'Sterile'
Mid Spring 2020
Late Spring 2019

Yes, I've never had it before, it's really big at the front of the house @gjones

Fab .. Lauren has a huge one , might take a cutting 😍😍

This is massive Julie @juliesgarden

Theres one in our neighbours at the end of our garden that kindly shares with us... its lovely 💗

Really lovely Julie, this was already here when we moved in. Kind of your neighbour to share 😁 @joolzd1970

Fab 👍🏻😍

@jaynehynesburton i was gutted last year because her son chopped all of her shrubs right down... but they have come back lovely this year. I have serious garden envy when i look over the fence lol

Sometimes a good hack back is good. Your neighbour probably feels the same when she looks over your side 😊 @joolzd1970

Haha i doubt it @jaynehynesburton ... mine is a work in progress at the moment and i’m trying to get control of the weeds. Hers is immaculate 💗💗💗

Well then, only one thing for it, keep pinching and see ideas you can take for your garden 😁 @joolzd1970
Mid Spring 2019

Bloody Nora! That’s mahoosive! 😯

I know Rachel, thanks for the ID 😘 @rachelbrooks

Wow! Now that is a lot of balls 🙊 fab x

Welcome chicken 😘

🤣🤣 Cant beat a few balls Dan 😁 @dan5584

Been there a few years I think Katy @gjones

Katy this was it @gjones
Mid Spring 2019

Help me identify this plant Anyone know what type of tree this is please #plantid

Snowball Bush (Viburnum opulus) 💚

Thanks me Rachel 😘 @rachelbrooks

A beautiful viburnum I love them got 3 of these in my garden

Its lovely Carol another one of my inherited beauties @carolgs

We inherited one of these Jane, it was in such a poor state we almost dug it out! We cut it hard back and now it’s glorious

This is quite healthy looking Joan, a lot looked in a poor state. That Rhododendron I found under a heap of other things looked terrible, pruned it fed it and now it's got buds on 😊 @joanboston

Can’t help you on ID of tree but what a beauty. I’ve been seeing all your yard work the last few months on Facebook!! You guys definitely deserve a pat on the back......or maybe even 2 pats 😄😉🤣😃🤩👍🏻🤗😊💕

Thanks Terri, my Husband has been on holiday this week and he's done so much, bet he will be glad to go back to work tomorrow for a rest 😁 @terrimclaughlin
Perfect pom poms Jayney! 😉😘
I'm surprised I've any me Rachel, something ate the whole lot last year, a lot less this year 😘 @rachelbrooks