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Finally getting settling into what was my parents house. Slowly making the garden our own, work in progress 🌿🌿
Help me identify this plant
It's very pretty but can't id it. Maybe you could post a pic with some leaves for a bit of a clue🙂
It's calystegia
@jan06 @RedFuchsia thank you for your help 💛💛
Bindweed now i know it 🙂
I'm sure mine never looks that pretty😂😂
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Help me identify this plant
It's very pretty but can't id it. Maybe you could post a pic with some leaves for a bit of a clue🙂
It's calystegia
@jan06 @RedFuchsia thank you for your help 💛💛
Bindweed now i know it 🙂
I'm sure mine never looks that pretty😂😂