Cymbalaria Muralis syn. Antirrhinum cymbalaria ; Linaria cymbalaria
Ivy-leaved Toadflax
Early Spring 2017
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Cymbalaria Muralis syn. Antirrhinum cymbalaria ; Linaria cymbalaria
Early Spring 2017
Help me identify this plant! This gorgeous flower is like a tiny trailing snapdragon, seems to be excellent ground cover too and is all over my front garden (not that i mind) but i don't know what it is! Help!
This is ivy leaved toadflax. A wildflower
Cool! How lovely 💖 thanks
And where I grew up, known as Kenilworth Ivy. Lovely little thing and easy to remove if it gets too rambunctious. Enjoy! 😉 @JustDrakes
Happily self seeds in cracks and crannies.
#kenilworthivy #ivyleavedtoadflax #cymbalaria
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