Cymbalaria Muralis syn. Antirrhinum cymbalaria ; Linaria cymbalaria
Ivy-leaved Toadflax
Mid Winter 2017
- 18

Cymbalaria Muralis syn. Antirrhinum cymbalaria ; Linaria cymbalaria
Mid Winter 2017
Morning guys, can you help me identify this plant please? It's totally been wiped from my mind and it's frustrating me something chronic! 😜 You find it scrambling on paths, building crevices rockeries etc. It's was in a crevice at Bolton Abbey last week. 👍🏻💚👍🏻 #plantid #id #help #rockplant #rockery #spreading #scrambler #boltonabbey
Also it has little palest violet/light pink flowers too. 👍🏻🌱👍🏻
I think it's toadflax, very tenacious growing in challenging places @mrsflowerpot
Is it creeping charlie/ground ivy? Maybe?🤔🤔🤔
Good morning Beck sun gone and foggy and dull🤗
I agree with @thehardygardener we have it clinging to dank dark granite walls in Cornwall. 👍
Morning Beck 🤗
Good Afternoon Beck have a good day 🙋🏻
Cymbalaria mularis / Kenilworth ivy?
#toadflax #kenilworthivy #ivyleafedtoadflax #cymbalaria
I thought it was speedwell 🤔 because I have some on my rockery
Thank you everyone for your investigative work!! I think that @brightcolours has maybe hit the nail on the head, (thank you Katie). Hope everyone's had a fab day @harebell @brightcolours @yodamama @tina @susieg @godfreye @SikoMa @thehardygardener 👍🏻🌱👍🏻