Camellia japonica 'Pink'
Camellia 'Pink'
Late Winter 2019
- 17
Late Winter 2019
- 6
Early Spring 2018
- 11
Late Winter 2018
- 8
Mid Winter 2018
- 17
Late Winter 2017
- 15
Late Winter 2017
- 35
Mid Winter 2017
- 52
Mid Winter 2017
- 25
Mid Winter 2017
- 32
Mid Winter 2017
- 20
Mid Winter 2017
- 7
Early Winter 2017
- 29
Early Spring 2016
- 14
Early Spring 2016
- 43
Early Spring 2016
- 31
Mid Winter 2016
- 15
Mid Winter 2016
- 19
Mid Winter 2016
- 13
Mid Winter 2016
- 9
Early Winter 2016
- 11
Early Winter 2016
- 21
Early Winter 2015
- 11
Mid Spring 2015
- 0
Late Winter 2015
- 11
Late Winter 2015
- 2
Late Winter 2015
- 1
Late Winter 2015
- 1
Late Winter 2015
- 0
Late Winter 2015
- 0
Late Winter 2015
- 1
Late Winter 2015
- 1

Camellia japonica 'Pink'
Late Winter 2019
Late Winter 2019

Very soon this will be a mass of #pink blooms 👍🏼 have a good day GTers #camellia #latewinter #winterflowers #winterblooms #february #winter

Perfect 💖💕💖

☺️🙏🏼 @suerichards

Perfect pink, you have a good day too

Beautiful and sunny. Hope with you too 👍🏼 @kathy

Early Spring 2018

No wildlife for me today unless you’d prefer pics of 🐌 rather than this lovely #pink #camellia 🤷🏻♂️🤣 have a good day GTers #earlyspring #spring #bloom

Well that’s rather lovely! 🌸💕 and much prettier than slimers!

My thoughts exactly 🤣 @rachelbrooks

Morning Justin much better than those pesky things

Oh and just my colour too !🤣💕 Have a great day Justin 🙌

Completely!! 🐌🔫 @Keely 🤣

😀thanks Julie @juliesgarden have a good one yourself 👍🏼

Much prefer this than those horrid things 😍

I think that would be a consensus of opinion! @kathy

Can not wait for mine to flower 👍🌿💕

They’re always so lovely @plants 👍🏼
Late Winter 2018

A little snow damaged but still looking good 👍🏼 #camellia #pink #buds #bud #latewinter #winter #wintercolour

Brave little bloom. 😍 Mine are still cooking. Won't be long now. ☺

Spring is definitely coming @rusty 👍🏼

Awww bless 🌺 have a great Sunday Justin 👍

Morning Justin, it’s a gorgeous colour and a #survivor 💕💕

Hope you e had a great weekend Julie @juliesgarden

Sure is Jane 👍🏼 @pelly

Certainly have thanks Justin ☺️👍
Mid Winter 2018

Pink pink makes the boys 😉 does it really though 🧐 First #pink #camellia flower of the year 👍🏼 #midwinter #winter

And the girls! 😜 especially that one! Gorgeous! 🌸💕

🤣 morning and happy Friday to you Rachel 👍🏼 @rachelbrooks

Morning Justin 💕💕

Good morning Jane @pelly 👋🏼


It’s a real picture when flowering in earnest 👍🏼 @awomanonabike

And to you! 🙌🏼

💕💕 morning 👌

Morning Justin 😉😉

I bet it is Justin. I have a primrose yellow one that isn’t even thinking of opening its buds yet but can’t wait. 🌸

Morning 😁 @juliesgarden
Late Winter 2017

Beautiful #pink #camellia 👍🏼 #winter

Fabulous 👌🏼🌸💕



Such a gorgeous flower. 💕💖💕

I like 😍

That's just perfect 💞💖, morning Justin , have a great day 👍


Morning Justin, what a joy to have in your garden 💕💖

Perfect pink 👍💕

Thanks very much everyone for al the lovely comments, you're all fab 👍🏼 @rachelbrooks @columbiariver @Sussanah @latebloomer @Keely @pelly @grantham @juliesgarden @Naomi126 @christineb @debs69

Lovely and definitely pink
Late Winter 2017

It's the weekend 😊 have a good one GTers #camellia #pink #winterblooms #wintercolour #winter

You too Justin! That's a stunner 😎

Glad you think so @awomanonabike

Beautiful 😊

Thank you @jaynehynesburton

🙏🏼 @latebloomer

Beautiful and delicate looking! Have a good one too! 😀

Thanks Ian @bigemrg 👋🏼☕️

👌🏻love the colour

Morning Justin. That's is absolutely beautiful. 💕💖💕

Morning Justin ,that's 💞💖💞

Beautiful colour 😊
Mid Winter 2017

📢 WAAKEY WAKEY GTers. It's F R I D A Y 🎉 have a good day #winter #winterblooms #pink #camellia

Yay for Friday 🍾🍾🍾 stunning bloom Justin 😉

It's stunning! Why can't my camellia flower like this!

Oh yes indeedy 👍🏼 @Pushkraj

Thank you @Pushkraj

Beautiful Justin. Good morning. 💖💖

Morning Jane @pelly

Awe thank you @latebloomer

👏👏👏Friday and hoping to get into my garden this weekend now that the weather's looking up! Lovely pic Justin 😃

Certainly woke me up Justin just had 40 winks after dinner. That is beautiful 😊

@justin Hey Justin, what's with the CAPITAL LETTERS? It's only 7.43am. 😂😂. Have a GREAT DAY

Mid Winter 2017

It's Friday. 🎉 Spring is coming. 🎉 have a good weekend GTers #buds #bud #winter #pink #camellia

Morning Justin! Won't be long now! Enjoy your day! 😀

Sure won't Ian, you too 👍🏼 @bigemrg

Morning Justin, lots of buds, it's going to be beautiful. Same back to you. 😊😊

Morning Jane 👋🏼 @pelly

Morning Justin , here we go SPRING!!!!! 😍

Almost yes 🎉 @juliesgarden morning 👋🏼

Morning Justin @justin ......have a great day and even better w/e :)

Thanks Pauline, you too 😀 @flof1952

@justin Morning Justin 👋

Woohoo to both! 💃🏻💃🏻 and she looks fit to burst too! 💕 have a fab Friday!

Morning Mike 👋🏼 @mikethegardener
Mid Winter 2017

Well 👀 what we have here #bud #camellia #pink #winter #firstsignofspring Good morning GTers 👋🏼

Morning Justin so pleased its 💖💞💖

Morning Justin...hope u are well. It's lovely

Morning J 👌📸👌

Good morning 👋🏼☕️ @Keely

Yes all good thanks Bee, hope you're all is good with you too @grantham

Morning 👋🏼☕️ @Naomi126

Good morning everyone! Its only 12:30 am here in Wisconsin... enjoy your Tuesday mornings! I'm going to try to get some sleep!

👋🏼😴 @KariSamuel
Good morning Justin,always nice 👍 to see buds starting to open @justin

Morning @Chester14 sure is👌🏼

Morning Justin , oh and it's my favourite colour PINK 💖🤣!!
Mid Winter 2017

Good morning GTers ❄️👋🏼 have a lovely day #camellia #winter #frost #foliage #buds

Morning Justin ☕☕☕

Morning Justin, you too. ❄❄❄

Good morning Justin! Won't be long now before it's bursting into bloom!
Good morning Justin,have a great 👍 day,keep warm with a coffee @justin

Sugar coated 😍 morning Justin 👍

Good morning Justin @justin frost here fortunately but still cold. Have a safe and warm day :)

Morning Justin 🙋

Morning Justin. Nearly there

Good morning @Keely 👋🏼 ☕️

Have a good day Jane @pelly

A couple of the buds are almost fit to burst 👌🏼 @bigemrg
Mid Winter 2017

Another chilly one ❄️ GTers. Have a good Sunday #winter #frost #camellia #bud

Morning Justin , lovely shot 😍 have a great Sunday 👍

that's certainly a frosty one 😚😚😚 morning

Good morning @juliesgarden ❄️👋🏼

Sure is ❄️❄️❄️ @charlottejhurst

Morning Justin fab pic 😊👍

Thanks @daisy-jane have a super day
Early Winter 2017

It's a freezing Friday folks here in Surrey brrrrr 👋🏼 have a good one #frost #winter #buds #camellia Someone light the 🔥😉

Morning Justin, same here ❄️❄️ take it steady 😊

Fab photo , morning Justin ❄️❄️

Morning Justin @justin .......take care. Enjoy your day :)

Sure will @christineb you too ☺

Hi Justin will camellia's open in the cold you guy have over there? Nice 📸😊 @justin
With are lucky today,no frost this morning @justin

Good morning Justin plenty of hot ☕keep warm.🤗

Morning great pic Justin no frost here this morning, enjoy your day

Thanks Julie, have a great day @juliesgarden

Good morning Pauline 👋🏼 @flof1952

This particular one actually started flowering in December last year right though to Spring but then again it was really mild. This winter so far has been much colder so no signs of anything blooming yet @karmey 👍🏼
Early Spring 2016

My contribution for the #pink challenge 😃 #camellia


Thanks Katie @brightcolours

Spectacular 😍

Thanks very much @debs69

Lovely pink @justin blue sky looks good too👍🏻

It was really lovely earlier 👍 @janric

Ah what a great shot Justin , love it 😍 @justin

Kind as always Julie, thank you very much @juliesgarden

Fabulous shot Justin 💕😊

Thanks as always Mo ☺️👋 @mojo

Great with the camera shot just
Early Spring 2016

Well I'm tickled #pink it's Friday 😂 how about you GTers? #camellia

Perfect bloom 👌

Beautiful @justin have a great weekend 😊

Must be catching 👍👌😎 have a tickety-boo day Justin👌😊 Bon Weekend

Not too shabby huh! @debs69

You too Kris and stay away from garden centres 😳😂 @krishnahairdo

And to you Steve 👋 @lamaisonbleueoleron

I will @justin be to busy IN the garden tomorrow and visiting the beautiful county of cheshire sunday 😊

Have a great weekend Justin and all. Happy gardening 😊 Gorgeous camellia 💕💕

You too Mo... Weather meant to be good this weekend I gather so time to get dirty hands ☺️ @mojo

Gorgeously perfect! Happy Friday 😀

Meric Justin 🙌🏼
Early Spring 2016

Lovely #pink #camellia for this lovely bright Tuesday morning! Have a great day. GTers 👋

Morning @justin . What a beauty! Have a great day - sun looks as though it's gonna shine 😎☀️☕️

My Japonica's are only in bud at the moment. I am looking forward to seeing their beauty.

Good morning @justin beautiful camellia dull here pray the sun comes out to play ☺️😊

Morning 🤓 perfect bloom 👍 mine is still in tight buds

A little frosty but nice and bright here 🙌 @richard.spicer.7906

I do love camellia's and look forward to seeing yours soon Sue @sue1953 👍

Good morning Tina 👋 @tina

Hope you've had a great day Deborah @latebloomer

Morning everyone, another beautiful Camilla @justin 💕and the ☀️is shining too😍

They bring so much joy to cold days ... Stunning pink

Morning all , I 😍😍😍 this camellia Justin , mine don't seem to want to make an appearance yet 😂😂😂 @justin
Mid Winter 2016

Captured at the weekend when I briefly had some ☀️ #pink #camellia Good morning GTers 👋

Looks amazing 😍

Thanks Debra 👍 @debs69

Morning all , just stunning @justin 🌸🌸

Wow @justin gorgeous

Morning everyone...Lovely bloom @justin we have very heavy mist/frost here this morning ❄️❄️❄️

Absolutely gorgeous love the colour morning @justin and one and all from beautiful sunny and very cold Cornwall

It's so beautiful, gorgeous colour

Thanks a lot Kris 👋 @krishnahairdo

Good morning Jan 👋 @janric

Thank you and good afternoon 👋🌸 @kathy

Awe thanks and glad you like it Jo 👍👋🌸 @ladypiccolino
Mid Winter 2016

Cama-cama-cama-cama- #camellia 😂😂😂happy Friday GTers 🎉👍 #pink

They come and go, they come and go-o-o-o-oh. Mornin😂😂😂😉

Loving them is easy @justin morning everyone 😆

Morning all 🤗🤗

Friday's should definitely be greeted with a 🎤 and 👯 I think! @robbiec

😂 good morning Jan 👍 @janric

Morning Julie ☕️👋😬 @juliesgarden

Most definitely 😂 @justin @robbiec - morning all ☕️

M O R N I N G 📢 Rich! 🙌 @richard.spicer.7906

Got your happy feet on this morning @Justin lovely camellia by the way

Lovely 👍 that song will be in my head all day now 🤓
Mid Winter 2016

Spring is definitely on its way in the UK 🎉 hello GTers 👋

#pink #camellia #newgrowth

@justin Bonjour Justin, I'm coming to the same conclusion #spring is here. The over night temperature are now no lower than 12c 🙈😱🤗 plants will be definitely rocking soon🙌🏼

Morning boys @justin @lamaisonbleueoleron , lovely colour Justin 👍👍

@juliesgarden Good morning Julie! 🙌🏼🙌🏼

Hey Steve 🙌 sooooo glad the days are drawing out once again! Have a good day @lamaisonbleueoleron

Morning Julie 🙌 @juliesgarden

Nearly there 🌺 Morning @justin and everyone

Morning Jan ☕️👋 @janric

Morning all @justin lovely colour

Morning 🌸 @kathy

@justin I have it the other end of the day, for the moment. It's still dark here in the mornings until 8ish but now much lighter in the evenings until 6:30 to 7:00pm 👍 I much prefer I can start potter until later in the evenings 🙌🏼
Mid Winter 2016

Good morning GTers 👋 this was snapped last weekend before the heavy frosts we're having now. Have a good day 👋

Beautiful 👍 and love the colour 😍

🌸✌️ @debs69

Morning all👋it's gorgeous @justin still no buds on mine I cut back the top about a foot as it was getting taller but not bushy in sept last year normally by now I have buds but nothing😟 have to wait and see what happens

I cut the top out of this one to last year Jan so I'm sure given a little time yours will be just fine 👋👍 @janric

Bonjour @justin 🙌🏼

Hey Steve 🙌 @lamaisonbleueoleron

Morning all has the flower survived the frost😟 @justin

Not sure as its too dark in the morning when I leave the house and in the evening when I get back 🙄 @kathy
Early Winter 2016

In full bloom now flowers all over it in mid January 😳 and now it's getting really cold 😱 #pink #camellia Good morning GTers 👋

Morning @justin & gtags your camellia is stunning Justin😍

Thanks Jan glad you think so! Good morning 👋☕️ @janric

Morning all 👍 great bloom @Justin 😍

A perfect flower @justin morning all

Beautiful! But a little early 😳 Enjoy it while you can!

Morning Debra 👋 @debs69

Thanks a lot! 🌸 @kathy

Sure is and yeah I know 😳 tell me about it 😏 @ellenmarygardening

Beautiful bloom @justin Nothing on mine yet 😊

Thanks a lot Pearl @fuschia
Early Winter 2016

About two months too early but hey ho nowt I can do about that! Good morning GTers 👋#pink #camellia

Good morning Justin, beautiful camellia🌺

Good morning, stunning

Morning @justin that is beautiful and glad to see the bud survived while you were away hope you had a great time

Morning Justin, it's gorgeous and lovely to brighten the wet weekend 🌸💕

Perfect bloom 😍

Stunning @justin 😚

Well...that's brightened my day !!! :) it's lovely !!

Afternoon @justin very pretty camellia I still gave no buds on mine but usually do!

Glad you like it Ann, thank you @thomasrat3

Hello Christine 👋 @christineb

Actually have a couple fully out and lots more in waiting @kathy
Early Winter 2015

WAAAAAAY toooo early 😳 hey ho. Happy New Year 😂🎉 to all GTers

#pink #camellia

Beautiful 👍

😳 - I noticed my mums one in full flower too this weekend. Better make sure you've got some protection ready for the weekend, as supposed to turn cold, maybe even frost 👍🏼

Thank you @debs69

Eeeek it'll have to take its chances as now away until 2nd! 😱 @richard.spicer.7906

Fingers x all will be ok @justin have a lovely New Year🍾🎉

Hope it survives OK have a great New Year @justin

Happy New Year Justin, 🎉🎉🍾 lovely to see your camellia 💕 hope it's in a sheltered spot

Happy new year @justin Hope it will be ok can't wait to see it open x

Happy new year everyone! 🍾have a great night. 😘
Mid Spring 2015
Late Winter 2015

@justin you take such great photos

Thank you @thedanielrichards

Thanks so much for all the likes this evening @cnash Hope you're well Carolyn and good to see you back here!

Amazing colour! I don't think I've seen one with as many flower buds on it.

I'm really chuffed with it this year as wasn't like this last year @richard.spicer.7906 👍

Beautiful colour I wish my one would have a display like that

Thank you, I'm very pleased with it this year! @cnash

So beautiful we have had one grown in pot for 8 years now no where as big as yours will have to plant in the ground in our new garden to see if it will grow as good as yours has ;)

Hi Jan... Your one is Japonica Pink Perfection which is a slightly different variety. Mine is a bog standard Japonica Pink but there is no reason why yours wouldn't grow well if transplanted! @janric

Will give it a try thanks Justin

#pink #camellia
Late Winter 2015

Late Winter 2015

Late Winter 2015
Late Winter 2015
Late Winter 2015

Late Winter 2015

Have a great Sunday 💗 #pink #camellia #march #latewinter #winter #winterflowers #winterblooms
You too Justin ....great photo 👋🙂💕
💕 you too
Thanks Pauline @flof1952
🙏🏼😁 @kathy
Ahh.. thats a lovely #pink 😘😘😘
You too Justin 🌼🌼
Thank you @shaz831
😀👍🏼 @pelly
Very beautiful! 🙂👍
😀👍🏼 @david71