Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff'
Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff' (Peony-flowered)
Mid Summer 2018
- 11
Early Summer 2018
- 4
Early Summer 2017
- 9
Mid Summer 2016
- 33
Mid Summer 2016
- 33
Late Summer 2015
- 25
Late Summer 2015
- 28
Late Summer 2015
- 26
Late Summer 2015
- 14
Late Summer 2015
- 19
Late Summer 2015
- 10
Late Summer 2015
- 27
Mid Summer 2014
- 2
Mid Summer 2014
- 3
Late Spring 2014
- 0
Late Spring 2014
- 14
Late Spring 2014
- 0
Late Spring 2014
- 0
Late Spring 2014
- 0

Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff'
Mid Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2017

Lovely #red #dahlia #bishopofllandaff coming through now #macro 👍🏼 #earlysummer #summer

Wow stunning pic Justin excellent detail 💖

Thank you very much @daisy-jane

Morning Justin. I just love these. I've got a few dotted around the garden ❤

Yes I've planted two more this year in other spots as I like them a lot too 👍🏼 @vec

I wasn't sure if last years would survive being left in the ground so bought back ups. It has survived but isn't in bud yet ☺

This one has been in the ground for three years and pops back up regular as clockwork @vec

Feed me Seymour! Little Shop of Horrors 😄Very interesting #dahlia

🤣👍🏼 @midnightgardener
Mid Summer 2016

Have a great Sunday GTers 👋 #red #dahlia #summer

Doesn't that have #bronze foliage Justin???? 😂😂😂

Id say it's more like black 👍 @mrsflowerpot

Morning Justin beautiful flower what is it ? Stunning colour too 📷😀👍🌺

I suppose more dark brown than bronze 👍🏻

@justin morning Justin. Have a great Sunday!🌞

Good morning Justin 😘🌺📸

It's a Dahlia Bishop of Llandaff @jules name should be displayed on either bottom of photo or above the picture depending how in the app you saw it ☺️ hope this helps 👍

You too Mike 👍 @mikethegardener

Good morning June 👋 @yodamama

Hope you've had a good weekend 👍 @latebloomer

Goodnight @justin.. Besutiful Dahlia
Mid Summer 2016

Waking up to the weekend #red #dahlia #summer have a good one GTers 👍


Yo 👊 @usgardentags

That's beautiful lovely shape and colour. ❤

Morning Justin , hope you've got the same perfect blue skies like us, have great weekend 🤗🤗, beautiful dahlia 👌

Thank you @wendyjane

Morning Julie 👋 so far so good 👍 @juliesgarden

Morning 😎 that's a corker 🤓

Good morning 👋☕️ @debs69

Good morning 👋@justin

Good morning @yodamama 👋

Very red... Morning @justin
Late Summer 2015

It's like buses... You wait for one for ages and then all of a sudden loads turn up 😳 but I'm NOT complaining 😂 good morning GTers 👋

Double delight 😍

👍👍 @debs69

Great. Worth the wait Justin

Happy days Justin, 😀 how lovely do they look together ❤️good morning to you and all

Morning all. They look super @justin😍

Morning all ! 😍😍😍😍

Totally 😁 @joanboston

👯👯👯 😂 @mojo

Morning Kris 👋 @krishnahairdo

And a good morning to you too Julie 👍 @juliesgarden

Morning all 😀 justin they are stunning lovely vibrant red too 👍📷
Late Summer 2015

Hoorah 🎉 fully open @RayB

So worth the wait it is beautiful 😊

How gorgeous!

Looks so pretty 📷👍

Lady in red!

Just perfect for red day 😍

She just kept you waiting to steal the show! 😉 so lovely Justin

Glad you like it 😍 @kathy

It is isn't it 😊 @palucha

Thanks a lot 😉 @jules

Awe June... Let's sing along 💃🎤 @junebensted

Glad you think so Debra 👋 @debs69
Late Summer 2015

Well I've waited. And waited. And waited some more. TA DAAAAA 🎉 good morning GTers 👋


Blooming lovely! Congrats 😂 Justin and good morning to you and all GTers

👏👏👏👏 beautiful well worth the wait Justin 😍

😁🎉🎉 @joanboston

🎉yay Mo 🎉 good morning @mojo

Was beginning to think it wouldn't happen 😂 but 🎉🎉🎉 @juliesgarden

Gorgeous colour @justin!

Definitely worth waiting for !

Glad you both like it 😁 good morning @junebensted @krishnahairdo

Good morning @Justin .

Morning all, and it looks like you have another due to open. Bonus!
Late Summer 2015

You little tease 😋 good morning GTers 👋

#macro #dahlia

Morning Justin lovely pic still waiting for its open day

YES!! I'll just have to be a little more patient but it's SO close! Good morning 👋 @RayB

Any day now @justin! Like waiting for a baby to be born 😜

Ha ha ha @krishnahairdo I was just going to say that lol !! A proud father

I cant wait to see this fully open now! 😊

Me too. Better be good @justin lol

😳😂😁 well I hope so too the anticipation better be worth the wait! @krishnahairdo @fuschia

I love the bishop (hence my name 😊). One of the flowers that fire and inspire my love of gardening.

👍👏👏👏 @robllandaff

It will be @justin
Late Summer 2015

Ok now you're just really teasing me 😠😂 Hurry up and flower already #macro #dahlia Happy Friday GTers 👋

Good morning justin and fellow gters. Have a fab friday, nearly the weekend. Yes! 👍🏻

Good morning Kris 👋 @krishnahairdo

Morning!!! Justin, kris and everyone, looks like a cherry @justin 😮

Lol good morning Julie 👋 @juliesgarden

Good morning Justin @krishnahairdo and GTers. Maybe the sun will work its magic today on your dahlia! 🌺☀️

Here's hoping so eh Mo!! Good morning 👍 @mojo

Morning all. My dahlias are taking their time too lol. Most of my bedding ones were eaten !!!!!! 😔

This is the only one I have left Pearl so I'm on munch patrol!! 😂 @fuschia Good morning 👋

Morning all! Today is going to be a good ☀️ day. @justin can't believe they still haven't opened. Maybe they will be extra special when they do finally open 😀👍🏼

Hoorah 🎉 @richard.spicer.7906 they better be 😂 enjoy your trip to Wisley today and look forward to seeing loads more amazing pics from you 👍
Late Summer 2015

Come on let's be having ya 😋👏 good morning GTers #dahlia #rain

Good morning Justin and GTers. Think it finally stopped raining here. 😃

Lovely photo to start the day 😃

Yes it's literally just stopped here too... I wonder for how long! @mojo Glad you liked it 👍

Almost there Justin 😊. Good morning too!

Yay 🎉 @richard.spicer.7906 have a good day

Morning Justin it's stopped here as well😀😀

Hi @justin don't laugh but I've just had a notification that I've started following me,myself?how do I unfollow,lol

Wowzers ok Ang I really don't know how you managed that! I've just tried following myself but see no way of doing it @angeldawn so have NO clue what you've done! 😂 perhaps @teamgardentags @David might be able to advise!! Good luck 🍀

@justin not aware of doing anything really😂 😂😂
Late Summer 2015

Need a bit of ☀️ to help bring theses babies along 😁 good morning GTers 👋

Morning 😃

Morning Dale 👋 @kean

Looks like we are in for a lovely late summers day. As soon as the sun peaks out, tea on the patio 😎

Hope the sun shines like the plant !

Hoping for sunshine ☀️

Met office 18• sunny yay

Morning justin fingers crossed we get some of that sunshine today 😀

Morning what a lovely shiny plant!

Here's hoping so @kean

I hope so too June 😁 @junebensted

I'm down with that! @debs69
Mid Summer 2014

Great shot Justin and you have blue sky !! 😃

This time last year 😉 glad you like it though! @juliesgarden
Mid Summer 2014

Hello and welcome to GardenTags Thomas and thanks for liking my photo! 👍 @thmheard As you're new to GT, I thought I'd suggest some other people for you to follow such as @richard.spicer.7906 @thedanielrichards @junebensted @barbaramatthews @janetapplewood @sarah @driftwood @abigoldfinch @kathy @David @philipgoldfinch @wallington

You can also see other great photos of plants and gardens by tapping on Discover and then Popular. You can of course follow any of these users too should you like to! 😃 @thmheard We hope to see some of your pictures soon

Lastly @thmheard if you ever want to reply to an individuals comment or just say hello, simoly @name the person i.e. @justin and an alert will appear in their profile. Hope you found these tips useful and you enjoy using the app 🙌
Late Spring 2014
Late Spring 2014

I've bought one of these earlier this year. They look amazing in flower!

Yes they do. Love the bright red against the black of the foliage!

This is amazing very vibrant 😀

It really is stunning isnt it! Welcome to GardenTags 👋🌷☺️ @giggles

Well thank you very much absolutly loving this new app x

Good to hear. Hope to see lots more of your pics soon @giggles Have a good evening 👋

Thank you and yourslef 😀

Must get one of these for 2016 Justin

Thenred flowers really pop out against the black foliage, really lovely @RayB

You feel as if you could just pull out the centre & eat it

Beautiful !!

It really is a stunner 👌 @juliesgarden
Late Spring 2014
Late Spring 2014
Late Spring 2014
El scorhio (again) ☀️ ❤️ just like this #red hot #dahlia #bishopofllandaff #midsummer #summer
Morning Jason. Another hot day ahead, enjoy 😊
Morning 👋🏼 @suerichards
😀 @pelly
Morning.....that’s class...❤️👌🏼
Have a lovely day @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Morning Justin, that’s really beautiful ❤️
Thank you @kathy 👍🏼
Lovely jubbly! ❤️
☺️👍🏼 @richard.spicer.7906