Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff'
Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff' (Peony-flowered)
Mid Summer 2017
- 23
Mid Summer 2016
- 5
Early Summer 2016
- 10
Early Winter 2016
- 16
Mid Autumn 2015
- 11
Late Summer 2015
- 11
Late Summer 2015
- 6
Late Summer 2015
- 1
Late Summer 2015
- 4
Mid Summer 2015
- 3
Early Summer 2015
- 3
Mid Spring 2015
- 0
Mid Spring 2015
- 5

Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff'
Mid Summer 2017
Mid Summer 2016

#dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff' - has an amazing rich #red colour, yet a pain to take pictures of 📷! You have to really see it with the naked eye to appreciate it fully 😊 #dahliabishopofllandaff

I think you've done well with that shot. I can never show rich red flowers as they really are with a photo. Looks like a real stunner 👍😍

Morning Richard , I bought 2 of these ay hyde hall cant wait to see them in bloom. Maybe then I will appreciate it more like you say ❤❤

The good old "bish" I love it❤️

With you there 👌🏻📸👌🏻📸👌🏻📸👌🏻📸👌🏻📸👌🏻📸👌🏻📸👌🏻
Early Summer 2016

Nice to see the dark foliage of this Dahlia. Buds on the way too 😁 - I split the tuber in spring so I have two plants now. Double the delight 👍🏼 #dahlia #dahliabishopofllandaff

Wow love that colour 💕

Definitely one of, if not my favourite dahlia!

Remember this one , love it 😍

Love this dahlia, must get one. 👍

I left mine in a pot all winter and mines abo

Sorry about that lol mine is in bud so it won't be too long before it flowers.

Lovely red flowers against the dark foliage

Love them🤗

mine are coming on nicely although have suffered a bit of snail damage 😡 thanks for your advice earlier in the year 👍
Early Winter 2016

Had a quick check on my lifted Dahlia tubers this evening when I got home from work. It's worth taking a little peek every couple of weeks, as it's easy to forget they are there. Check for mould, and that they are still completely dry (including the material you are storing them in - here I'm trying shredded paper, although be warned this does seem to absorb the damp quite a bit. I may have to transfer to a different medium). Expect some shrinkage in the tubers over time. #januarytasks 👍🏼

Where are you storing them @richard.spicer.7906 ?

Good reminder thanks! Mine are stored in dry sand but I do usually have to bin a few each Spring.

Great advice both @richard.spicer.7906 @ellenmarygardening 👍

@debs69 they are currently out of the cold and in the garage in large pots filled with shredded paper. In the past I've just kept them in a bucket wrapped in nothing in the shed, but thought I'd try a change as no room in the shed this year.

Thanks @ellenmarygardening , might look and see if I have any spare sand in case the paper starts to feel damper. 👍🏼

Cheers @Justin 😀

Slight change of subject the violet plants I bought and potted on don't look very happy will they pick up do you think or have I lost them 😢 @teamgardentags

@richard.spicer.7906 You could also store them in vermiculite. Will keep them dry and holds less moisture than paper.

@elflin do you have them in the ground or in a container? Post a pic if you can.

Great idea - thanks Steve! Never bought Vermiculite before but I presume you can get it at good quality garden centres? @lamaisonbleueoleron

Great tip @lamaisonbleueoleron 👍🤓
Mid Autumn 2015

The sun has brought out lots of #bees today, and they are loving the last few flowers on my #dahlia 😀🐝

Beautiful and a great shot 🐝

Great shot 👍🏻

Lovely pic of dahlia & 🐝

Love 🐝🐝🐝and 🌺🌼🌸💐🌻

Brilliant pic 👍

Lovely flower

Beautiful flower and been a beautiful day 🐝🐝🐝

Lovely photo 😍👍

Great shot!

Lovely colour, nice photo 🌸
Late Summer 2015

Now for some of my own home grown 😁 #dahlia

STIIIILLLLLLL waiting for mine to come out 😤😤😤

I thought I was late! I planted out during May, and then did a bit of a Chelsea chop on them in July. Otherwise they would have been earlier. Can't be long now @justin

I should point out that these photos do not do this dahlia's colour justice - the redness is so intense it does funny things to my camera when I take the picture and I get this almost deep pink look instead. Anyone else have that problem when taking rich red photos?

Yes I do too Rich... My phone is never able to capture the true red colour with these or with one of the camellia's I have... Weird that @richard.spicer.7906 and it's such a shame as you're right, never looks right!!

I'll do some research @justin - someone must know why this happens.

I have the same problem can't get a decent shot of some lovely red begonias, it blurs out all the detail.

What phone do you have @Richard.spicer7906 I have an iPhone 6. On the camera section at bottom right hand side there are 3 circles before taking the pic choose which " shade ' you want to work with 😊

I take most of my pics with my Digital SLR camera, although have tried my iPhone 6 too but still get the same result. Will certainly try those shade options though Val 👍🏼 will let you know if any better


Late Summer 2015

Well, it's finally here! Enough red to brighten up any cloudy day 👍🏼 #dahlia #dahliabishopofllandaff

🎉🎉 still waiting on mine 😏

Waited a long time for ours, but coming thick and fast now

Beautiful,slugs and snails would strip it in my garden

Love it 😎

Late Summer 2015

Soooo many buds this year 😁
Late Summer 2015

After chopping off the lead buds a couple of weeks back, we're now almost ready to bloom with all these extra side shoots! It's already doing so much better than last year 😁

Ours is yet to flower. Lots of buds though. Maybe when we get home tonight it might suprise us !

Look like we're all in the same boat Joan and Rich... Patiently waiitng for mine to burst as well 😁 @joanboston

Love the foliage 🐰
Mid Summer 2015

Despite my eagerness to see this flower, in order to make flowering last longer and a more bushy plant, I cut off the growing tips before the first flush of flowers. It does delay flowering slightly, but you should get a much better display! 😁

Great piece of advice there Rich 🙌
Early Summer 2015

Nice bronze green foliage on this one.

Gotta love these... 👍

Sure do @justin 😀
Mid Spring 2015
Mid Spring 2015

Love the colours of this plant and flower

Could be a gastronomy image!

@abigoldfinch 😂 yeah, it's a bit much!

@justin overlooked it last year as it was tucked away in a corner, but really looking forward to seeing this later in the year.

Afternoon all 😀👋🏼 - a little bit later than I had planned, but introducing today's new Dahlia opening - 'Bishop of Llandaff' - bit of a classic, and I've had this for the last few years. But it's still one of my faves. Quite a rich scarlet red, and has dark bronze foliage too (just see it in the background) #dahlia #dahliabishopofllandaff
And the bees love it 🐝🐝🐝🐝
The bishop never fails to please!! Beautiful !
Afternoon Rich that's gorgeous and love the foliage too 💘
I love it..❤️
And beautiful it is too 😍
Afternoon, another for my wishlist. I hope you haven't got too many more as my garden isn't big enough. 😂😃😄
I ❤️ this one! Mine are busy flowering too!
Bronze foliage is unique. Bloom is truly a masterpiece
This one says "look at me". Pretty. :-)
Mine have been great this year. Love the old Bishop ❤