Lysimachia punctata
Large Yellow Loosestrife
Early Summer 2019
- 6
Early Summer 2018
- 18
Early Summer 2017
- 15
Late Spring 2017
- 9
Late Winter 2017
- 7
Early Summer 2016
- 21
Early Summer 2016
- 12
Early Summer 2016
- 43
Early Spring 2016
- 12
Late Spring 2015
- 3
Late Spring 2015
- 1
Late Spring 2015
- 0
Mid Spring 2015
- 0
Early Spring 2015
- 0
Late Winter 2015
- 1
Late Winter 2015
- 0
Early Summer 2014
- 0
Early Summer 2014
- 0

Lysimachia punctata
Early Summer 2019
Early Summer 2018

Have a sizzling Monday GTers ☀️ 💛 #loosestrife #yellow #earlysummer #summer #june

Morning Justin, you too 👋👋

Morning Jane @pelly 👋🏼

Ditto Justin 🌞

Morning Justin 🙌

🙌🏼☀️ @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Morning ☕️ ☀️ @juliesgarden

Morning Justin. Do you stake these ? I had loosestrife years ago that grew to about 18 in. I bought some last year and it grows really tall then flops over 😩. I bought variegated this year for front garden 💛💛

These are actually in a tub against a wall and have always been fine without staking. I do have some others which are among a load of other stuff so they all support each other @fuschia

Morning Justin 💛💛 it’s already hot here🌞🌞

Good morning Justin glorious day🤗

As it is here @kathy ☀️
Early Summer 2017

Good morning GTers 🙌🏼 #yellow #loosestrife #earlysummer #summer

Morning Justin 💛💛💛

Morning @Keely 👋🏼

Good morning Justin this cheerful flower. Have a great day :)

You too Pauline @flof1952

Morning Justin, very cheering 🙋🙋🙋

Morning Jane 🙋🏻♂️ @pelly

Morning Justin 🙌 💛💛

Morning Julie @juliesgarden

Morning Justin 👌🏻

Good morning @nessas 👋🏼

Brightens up any corner😍
Late Spring 2017

Very much brighter today folks 😀 #spring #yellow #loosestrife

@justin Morning Justin. How're things with you? 😊

Morning Justin, that's pretty, still very windy here down on the coast 🌬🌬 Have a great day 👍

Morning Mike 👋🏼 @mikethegardener thankful the rain has stopped 🙄

Also blustery here today but the sun is back out 🙌🏼 @juliesgarden

Morning... Glad its a better day for you Justin, its still pretty horrible here my poor plants are being battered by the wind 😁

Hope it improves for you soon Jan 👍🏼 @janric


@Justin You & I both. More so the winds. Can do without that...!!
Late Winter 2017

#newgrowth on the #loosestrife 👍🏼 #newshoots #springiscoming #firstsignofspring #winter

Morning Justin. 🙋🙋🙋

Morning Jane @pelly

@justin Morning Justin 👋

Morning Justin ☕️

Morning Mike 👋🏼 @mikethegardener

Morning Jan 👍🏼 @janric
Early Summer 2016

As its Friday I'm gonna post more than one pic... Just because 😝 #yellow #loosestrife #summer

Well why not hey?! 😂

Ooh, get you! 🤘👍😃

Indeed 👊 get I N @ellenmarygardening @Dougal

Oh I have that plant in my garden but did not know what it was called so thanks for your post.

Morning Justin you have fun 😟😜

Yay 😎

You're welcome Brenda @brenda48 have a lovely day

Sorry Justin sad face not supposed to be there

Good morning 👋☕️ @RayB

No worries at all, have a super day and weekend 👍 @RayB

Morning Jusrin, I have loosestrife but its so much taller than the one I had years ago. Its not doing too well in my border , seems to be overshadowed so I may move it later 🙄
Early Summer 2016

Morning GTers 👋☕️ #yellow #loosestrife #summer

Morning Justin! Love this! Still waiting for mine to flower!

Morning Justin, morning Ian. I'm not a big yellow fan really... Apart from yellow daffs, yellow Welsh poppies, yellow lilies... Actually, yep I love #yellow!!😜😂. Have a great Sunday both.

Morning all 😎 have a great day 🐝🐝🐝

Morning Ian 👋☕️ @bigemrg

😳🙈😂 @mikethegardener have a great day

Have a super Sunday Debs 👍 @debs69

Morning Justin , Mike @mikethegardener @debs69 @bigemrg , loving this 💛💛💛

Good morning 💥👋 @juliesgarden

Morning Justin@justin@juliesgarden@mikethegardener

Good morning @KatieCat

Fantastic photo 😀 good morning & a good night from me 😉
Early Summer 2016

Good morning GTers 👋 here's hoping today's weather is a little better than yesterday 👍 #yellow #summer #loosestrife

Good morning!

👋 good morning @beckers1974

Bonjour Justin, ☕️😎☀️ ETA 3 hours 😉 😂😂😂

Bonjour Steve... Enjoy ☀️🙌 @lamaisonbleueoleron

Good morning @justin

Morning all its looking that way Justin so far so good 👍

Good morning June @junebensted

Hooooooraaaaahhhhh @Keely

Good morning Justin hope the sun is playing today like your #yellow flowers 🌞

Thats what I love about australia 'always great weather.!!Its not often that we cant organise a BBQ in 3 months to come.!!!

Morning @justin 🤓 and all GTR's mine is in full bloom now rather overtaken the front garden 🤔
Early Spring 2016

#newgrowth #spring everything is definitely coming alive now 👍

My loosestrife is really tall compared to some I had years back. Are there different sizes Justin 🤔

I'm not sure to be honest Pearl but this one can grow to about 1m @fuschia 👍

Morning @justin they are pretty but I had these and they took over!

Mine was about 18 inches tall. My lemon balm and elephant ears took over 😕

Good to hear Justin!!

That's why these are only allowed to grow in a container 😀👍 @kathy

Sure is Katie @brightcolours

I thought I'd lost mine but they have just started to shoot like yours. They can be evasive but I pull them up and give them away. 🐝

I love them but then again yellow is one of my fave colours! @mejc

had these in my garden when I moved in 4 years ago. can't get rid of them now and they're everywhere.

Late Spring 2015
Late Spring 2015

Late Spring 2015
Mid Spring 2015
Early Spring 2015
Late Winter 2015

Late Winter 2015
Early Summer 2014
Early Summer 2014
Cheery 💛 for this Thursday as it’s my favourite colour 👍🏼 #yellow #loosestrife #earlysummer #july #summer
Morning 👍🏻
Morning Justin, it’s a great plant, I’ve got some for the first time this year 💛💛
Morning 👋🏼 @juliesgarden
They really brighten things up I think Jane @pelly 👍🏼
They certainly do 💛👍