Citrus x meyeri
Meyer Lemon Tree
- Early Summer 2022
- 26
- 7
- Early Spring 2022
- 32
- 3
- Early Winter 2022
- 31
- 8
Citrus x meyeri
- Early Summer 2022
- 26
- Early Spring 2022
- 32
Update on my Meyer Lemon. It's growing strong. April 2022
Wow 💚
- Early Winter 2022
- 31
Fingers crossed that I will have a ripe lemon in the fall! January 2022
The fall? How long do they take to get ripe?
From what I've read, it will take 6 months. Mine is indoors right now and can't go outside for another 4 months, so I'm thinking it'll take longer? @emch
Amazing. I am excited for you. 💚💚😍
This will be my first lemon, if it's successful. @gjones
Thanks. Afterall the blooms and little fruit fell this past spring, I'm hoping I'll get something tangible this time around. @hkyfvr
Very welcome. Hope you do 👍😍
There were two fruits, one fell off and this is the one that's left. 2 July 2022
I have 4 good size myer lemons from a potted tree, just waiting for them to yellow e
Thanks! Yes, waiting patiently for 6 months now😁 @gjones
How long has it been since yours flowered? I've been told meyers can fruit all year round, but in my zone, I have to bring it indoors during the winter, so that slows down the process @nash1962
Hi mine has flowered 2 x per year. I helped pollinate the flowers that produced 6 lemons when it was inside for the winter with grow lighter. It lost most of its leaves I moved it outside in May and a bunch of leaves grew back along with some flowers but I did not assist with pollinating and no fruit came - I will post a new picture of my Myer. This winter it will stay in my garage as it is to big to get upstairs into the house. Good luck with yours!
FYG I grew up in Montreal and feel your challenges 😀
Winter is definitely a challenge for growing plants that I have to bring indoors. 6 lemons is a good number! @nash1962