Primula vulgaris
Native Primrose
Late Winter 2018
- 4
Early Spring 2017
- 9
Late Winter 2017
- 6
Late Winter 2017
- 8
Early Winter 2017
- 9

Primula vulgaris
Late Winter 2018
Early Spring 2017

Masses of flowers on these have about 10 of them scattered over front garden #spring ❤💜❤

Beautiful 💕💕💕

Gorgeous colour 😍💖

Wow, that's s very happy primrose 🌺🌺🌺

@lexijane @angiecrazycatlady @titchyfra thanks ladies they really do show off in the garden

@Keely Looks like Primula "Wanda" to me. Brilliant plant. Bulks up really well, and great for division. Usually blooms in Spring and again in early Autumn. I couldn't tell you how many of these I've decided and given away to friends. Great for edging/front of borders. #Primula #wanda #purpleflowers


Fantastic colour 👌🏼💖💖💖

Wow, beautiful 🤗
Late Winter 2017


#primrose #primula



So pretty 💛💛💛

Wow! 😎😎😎
Late Winter 2017


Wow!! That is absolutely gorgeous 💖💖💕 wish I had one like that x

Beautiful 💜💛💜💛

Fab u Lous darling 💓💕💖


That's so pretty Keely 💗💛


Gorgeousness 🌸💕🌸💕🌸
Early Winter 2017

Brightening up works garden today 😃

You're lucky to have a garden at your place! We have mud, fag ends, used needles & litter and that's on a good day! 😁

@jeatacake@keely Sad gardens here also!!! I enjoy seeing beauty year-round/world around!

Such a pretty little flower isn't it 😂

@jeatacake we have in house gardeners and have flats above our office so have communal gardens with a wildflower garden too surrounded by a high wall which is full of wildlife as wall is as high as 4 storeys due to slope love looking out of windows 😀

That's a handy arrangement. I had a beautiful view of a smsll park right outside one of my old offices (Preston). In Liverpool we are moving to a new office by April 2019, so if I am still around then maybe we might get a bit of a garden but not holding my breath!For now I'll make do with my indoor collection on my window ledge by my desk.

@Keely Love the butter yellow primroses. Hope you've had a great day 😊
They look lovely @keely

Such a soft, Delicate colour Keely and your view sounds lovely and a squillion times better than a pile of pallets!
Few of these have sneaked into my pink n purple border hmmm will need to move them they are not allowed 💛💛💛 they can go in back in hot border 😄
Beautiful Keely
@suerichards thank you 😊
@gjones thank you lovies 😊