Corylus avellana 'Contorta'
Corkscrew Hazel 'Contorta'
Late Winter 2022
- 7
Late Summer 2021
- 12
Late Winter 2021
- 7
Late Winter 2021
- 9
Early Spring 2020
- 4
Late Winter 2020
- 7
Late Summer 2019
- 5
Late Summer 2019
- 9
Mid Spring 2019
- 6
Early Spring 2019
- 2
Late Winter 2019
- 12
Early Autumn 2018
- 20
Late Summer 2018
- 3
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 4
Mid Spring 2018
- 0
Mid Spring 2018
- 0

Corylus avellana 'Contorta'
Late Winter 2022
Late Summer 2021

So many hazelnuts this year! #corkscrew-hazel #corylus-avellana #corkscrew-hazel-contorta

My grandma had hazelnuts. I kinda miss 'em.

Wow! Will you eat them after they've matured?

@apomwo would be a lovely memory plant for you to have 🥰

@jeatacake I’ve wanted to since I first noticed them a year or 2 back. Something always gets to them before I do though 😠 the tree is out front now so might be less likely to get pounced on by a squirrel (I’m assuming it’s them 😆)

I'm guessing it must be squirrels if you have them there. I'm pretty sure it won't be birds, which are the usual suspects here!

@jeatacake there’s definitely some squirrels as they dig in some pots and store nuts 🙄 then come back and dig them all up to find them 😡

They sound a real pain. I thought blackbirds were bad enough for digging in pots! 🙄

@jeatacake thankfully they don’t visit too often. Same can’t be said for the blackbirds 😠

I've a new tactic to use against them now......a thin layer of grit on the surface of the compost. I get a lot of moss & liver wort in pots here too, so it might kill 2 birds with 1 stone if you'll excuse the puns - birds & stones (tiny ones)! 😁

@jeatacake aaaah! That’s a great idea! Liverwort is horrid stuff 🥴 let me know how you get on please. Could be worth a try for some of my more attacked pots 🤔

Will do 👍🙂
Late Winter 2021

Absolutely minuscule but plenty of them this year. #corkscrew-hazel #corylus-avellana #corkscrew-hazel-contorta

Lovely head of hair there❤️ 😊

I never knew they had flowers 😄

@Denise16 😂 it’s as unruly as my lockdown ‘do! 🤣

@ublaszko I only noticed them for the first time last year. They are so tiny!

Tell me about it😅

@Denise16 😆 at least we are all in the same boat 😂
Late Winter 2021

#corkscrew-hazel #corylus-avellana #corkscrew-hazel-contorta

Are these catkins?

So glad to see you back on here 😊

Beautiful! 💛 Hope you are doing well? 😘

@sharonhayden they are 😁 never had so many!

@bluefox23 thanks Alison 😁 and you too! ☺️

@natii thanks Natalie 😁 I’m good thanks, just tired of lockdown 😢 how about you?

Yeah same here. In Germany we're at the beginning of the third wave so.. here we go again 🙈 It's great to see you on here again! I didn't really get what happened and I only heard about it several days after you left. But anyway, I'm glad that you're back 😊

@natii it’s been on the news about the 3rd wave in Europe. They’re expecting it’ll happen here soon too 😔 just when you think things are getting better 😐 hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe & well 🙏🏻 to be honest I took a break and have little clue what happened on here. It didn’t need to become what it did but I think many people had been upset too so kinda took on a different meaning.
Early Spring 2020

Spiders on everything 😫 #corkscrew-hazel #corylus-avellana #corkscrew-hazel-contorta

Looks lovely with no leaves

@sharonhayden they’re really amazing without leaves aren’t they 😍 the foliage hides all the twistedness (not a word 🤣)

@cyndi I hope they eat every bad bug! But they terrify me 😱 it’s gorgeous at this point, and when the catkins come. Love the leaves but it hides so much of the tree
Late Winter 2020

Have never noticed these before 😍 the tiniest flowers on corkscrew hazel are adorable 🥰 #corkscrew-hazel #corylus-avellana #corkscrew-hazel-contorta

Oh I’ll have to have a look at mine 👀

@auricula @juliesgarden I only noticed by chance. Thought it was a bug but no, there’s a few little buds with these minute flowers on. Not noticed them in previous years. They’re apparently the female flower, the catkins are make ones. Hope you both find some on yours 😁

I haven't got any of these flowers on mine, does that mean I won't get any cobnuts?

@sadieberg from what I’ve read the flowers are probably long gone by now. Mine is just stupidly late 😂 they’re around in January/February. They don’t pollinate from their own tree though so it wouldn’t matter too much if you didn’t have any 😊

Brilliant, thanks Kerry👍🏻 I got some nuts last year for the first time but they soon disappeared, probably the local squirrel

@sadieberg same happened with mine 😂 think I only had 3 but they disappeared rather fast 🙄
Late Summer 2019

😍😍 What happened to the foliage? Looks like it's trying to grow new foliage.

@ublaszko I repotted it and it dropped every leaf 😂 they’re making a comeback but don’t think they’ll get very far 😅

At least you know it's alive 👍

@ublaszko thankfully 🙏🏻 although it does look much better when it’s leafless 🍂

I have to agree with you on that one 😉
Late Summer 2019

Did it taste nice?

Yum. I love hazelnuts 😋

@ublaszko not brave enough to try it after it had been rolling around in leaves and compost 😝

@jeatacake made me think of that “what has a hazelnut in every bite?...” advert 🙈🤣


We do like our trips down memory lane don't we 😂😂😂

@jeatacake gotta love a little reminiscing 😁

Absolutely 👍😊

Mid Spring 2019


Ah ooooooh, that's pretty cool!!

Very architectural....👌🏼

@Mikekally thanks Kim 😊 doing its own thing and don’t have the heart to chop bits off 🙈

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Elaine 😄 tempted to move it around and take photos through the opening 😂

Oh yeah you gotta do that...👌🏼
Early Spring 2019
Late Winter 2019

@gjones it’s one of those that always has something to catch your eye 😊

It looks fantastic 👍👍

@ublaszko thank you 😁 looking even better now the catkins are fluffing up

These are pretty cool

@lesliecole49 they are great trees, even better without leaves though 😂

Yep, I prefer them with no leaves on. 😁😁👍

@ublaszko they hide it’s best features 😜

Same as my climbing hydrangea. Looks best without the foliage 👍

@ublaszko your hydrangea has lovely bark, colour and texture 😋

Thank you 😚

Very cool!😊💕

@terrimclaughlin thanks Terri ☺️
Early Autumn 2018

😲cool as

@Sussanah it looks great now it lost its leaves 😁

I love these...

Lovely they can get rather big though 😀

@gjones I never thought of that 😛 might have to take it round front and add cobwebs & fairy lights for Halloween 🎃

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom they’re interesting looking things aren’t they 🧐

@Jasonsparkes1 looks so much better now the leaves dropped too 😋

@joanboston thanks Joan ☺️ I have it in a pot so hopefully it’ll limit its growth. But a huge tree like this must look fantastic!

Personally they look better without the leaves as for me the leaves seem too big for the plant😀

@joanboston I must agree with you, the leaves cover the twisted branches almost completely. Really comes into its own once it sheds its foliage. And the catkins are lovely too 😍

@kez001uk they are I always look at them in the GC...👌🏼

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom I’ve attempted a cutting to see if I can grow another 😂 already looks like it’s dying 🤣
Late Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018

Another one 😁 #wildlifewednesday
Early Summer 2018

Nuts 😯

@cyndi thanks for the link. I needed to read up on them as I think a type of spider is ruining some of the leaves. They’re beautiful trees though!only got it last winter and it looks so interesting without foliage!

@cyndi that looks like the one! There’s not much yet so can now catch it before they destroy the tree. Grateful as always 😁

@cyndi I even found a caterpillar in a hollowed out nut 🙈
Mid Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018
#corkscrew-hazel #corylus-avellana #corkscrew-hazel-contorta
Aptly named, but has its own beauty 👍
@jeatacake I think so too 😁 it’s much more interesting than most trees, especially in its naked state 😂
Ha ha yes & I'll say no more! ☺️
@jeatacake 🤣😂🤣 not many things can make that claim though! 🤭🤣
@jeatacake 😆😆😆