Nerine bowdenii
Bowden Lily
Early Autumn 2020
- 9
Mid Winter 2020
- 9
Late Autumn 2019
- 32
Late Autumn 2019
- 9
Mid Autumn 2019
- 0
Early Spring 2019
- 12

Nerine bowdenii
Early Autumn 2020
Mid Winter 2020

Erm 🤔 #nerine #nerine-bowdenii-pink #bowden-lily #bowden-cornish-lily

Mine have woken up too.

@ublaszko craziness! 😂

Wow that’s early!

@valjones-hughes it’s not long stopped flowering either 😂 this weather is so confusing 🙈 thankfully it’s only one bulb that’s growing 😜

I look forward to seeing the bloom

@janetandjim I’m hoping it gets that far but not so sure since it just flowered less than 2 months ago 🤪 not sure what’s going on with it 😂

I’m going to have to research this. Interesting. I know how amaryllis behave but not sure if your plant is related

@janetandjim I think they are related but I know little about either 😜
Late Autumn 2019

Much thinner petals than the other varieties I have. More elegant maybe 🤔 #nerine #bowdenlily #nerine-bowdenii

Very beautiful 😍🌸💮

It’s lovely 💕

Simply gorgeous!💘😍


Nice to have something with a bit of colour so close to the Christmas

@RedFuchsia thank you Natalia 😀

@cyndi thanks Cyndi 😃

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thank you Elaine 😄

@gjones thank you Katy 😁 they’ve staggered their flowering quite nicely and lovely to have them adding a tiny bit of colour right now 😛

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley ☺️

@laketitlow thanks Annette 😊
Late Autumn 2019

I think I like this colour too 😉 It's almost purply pink 😊

Never realized they flowered so late in the season. At this rate you'll have some in flower for the Christmas 😜

@ublaszko it’s looking lovely but am a bit worried it’s the wrong colour 😂 it’s supposed to be much lighter but maybe once it opens it’ll look right 😬

@alan1111 I’m not certain they’re supposed to 😂 but still have 4 more at this stage of opening 😜 I’ll not be complaining at Christmas nerines 😉😉

Jingle bells 🎶😁

@alan1111 might have to decorate it with some fairy lights 😉🤩😂


I think this is the kind of colour you'd call "fuchsia" 😁😁 Or "how to scare Ursula and make her hide in the storage closet till it's spring again" 😂😂

@ublaszko 🤣 like a floral hazard sign 🤣
Mid Autumn 2019
Early Spring 2019

Cataloging - pink

Pretty 🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin just wish it wasn’t so long til they flower 😜

Will they flower this year even?

@belindah I don’t know if they will 😜 they were planted at the start of the year so I’m hopeful 😂

I look forward to seeing how they do.

Scrape some of the soil from the top so an inch of the bulb is exposed. They need plenty of sun directly onto the bulb similar to bearded irises. Mine didn't flower last year because the instructions were wrong on how to plant them and they were buried in the soil 😚😚

@belindah thanks Belinda 😁 me too 😛

@ublaszko I took your advice from a while back and didn’t bury them like the instructions say. Are they still too deep in the soil then?

Yep, needs to be planted even more shallowly with the neck and the top inch of the bulb exposed to the sun. I only sorted mine out last week 👍

@ublaszko I’ll get on that this weekend. Thank you 😁

#nerine #nerine-bowdenii-pink #bowden-lily #bowden-cornish-lily
Beautiful 🌸🌸🌸
These are so unique and beautiful!💘😍
I could've got one of these today but (darn it just thought where I could put it) I might get one next GC visit 💕💕💕I saw some like this today, they were lovely 💕💕
@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Elaine 😊
@pelly thanks Jane ☺️
@ShelleySnyder I agree 😛 like little pink explosions 🤩
@midnightgardener can always find a space 😉 hopefully they’ll have some left when you next visit the garden centre 😋