Rhododendron (Rhododendron Varieties)
Mid Spring 2024
- 2
Mid Spring 2023
- 17
Mid Spring 2023
- 14
Mid Spring 2022
- 6
Mid Spring 2022
- 17
Mid Spring 2021
- 11
Early Spring 2020
- 13
Late Summer 2019
- 6
Mid Spring 2019
- 16
Mid Spring 2019
- 13
Mid Spring 2019
- 18
Mid Spring 2019
- 5
Mid Spring 2019
- 9
Mid Spring 2019
- 5
Early Spring 2019
- 41
Mid Summer 2018
- 8
Early Summer 2018
- 0
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 0

Rhododendron (Rhododendron Varieties)
Mid Spring 2024
Mid Spring 2023

#dwarf-rhododendron #rhododendron

So many beautiful blooms 💜💜



Absolutely beautiful, such a lovely colour too 💜💜💜

Lovely 😊 I have the very same one

What an absolute beauty 💜💜💜

Very nice 💜

@hkyfvr @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @juliesgarden @italydiva @godfreye @debsgarden99 thanks muchly 😄 every year it looks like it won’t flower and then this comes out of nowhere 😍

@vegandmore thanks Christine 😃 great minds 😉

Very welcome 😄

@columbiariver it’s one my Nan brought me and never disappoints. She’ll be looking down with pride as she always loved it 💜
Mid Spring 2023

#dwarf-rhododendron #rhododendron

What a beautiful colour

Stunning colour 😍😍

Love the purple ones. I think I must invest in one 💜💜💜

Love the purple ones….💜💜💜

Wow 💙💜


Gorgeous colour

@nej @hkyfvr @pelly @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @juliesgarden @godfreye @hebelover @debsgarden99 thank you all 😁 it’s a good few years old now but gets better every year 💜

Always welcome 💜

Mid Spring 2022

Love how crinkled the petals are 💜 #dwarf-rhododendron #rhododendron

They look amazing Kerry 💜

Very pretty 💜

Lovely colour 😍

@hkyfvr @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @alan1111 @KOutdoors @ukjohnny thank you all ☺️ the flowers look like tiny crepe paper blooms. So delicate 💜💜💜

Always welcome 💜
Mid Spring 2022

💜💜💜 #dwarf-rhododendron #rhododendron

That's spectacular Kerry 💜💜💜

Beautiful @kez001uk

That is stunning Kerry. So full of flowers. 💜💜

That’s the same one I have it’s doing really well this year 😁

So many flowers! Your looking after it very well to get that many flowers

Beautiful 💜💜

@pelly @cjh123 @hkyfvr @alan1111 @juliesgarden thank you all 😄 it’s the best it’s ever looked, I think due to me leaving it alone ✂️🤣

@vegandmore great taste 😉 mine is looking better than it has in previous years too 🤔 must be a good year for them 💜

@ukjohnny thanks John 😃 they’re about the only 2 pots of colour I have out front so had to squeeze them both in a photo 😂

Always welcome Kerry. 💜

Quite a show! 💜💜
Mid Spring 2021

#dwarf-rhododendron #rhododendron

Beautiful flowers. Love the colour 💜💜

This is so lovely 💜💜💜

@hkyfvr thank you Diane ☺️ one of the first plants my Nan bought me so it’s a special one now 💜

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😊 seems to like its new shadier position 💜

That is so nice. So special to have this from her. You are so welcome 😍 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr it never did very well but this year it’s gone a bit nuts! 😂 since she passed I take extra care of the plants she gave me 🥰

@gjones thanks Katy 😁 looking extra good this year 💜

For sure. They are things to treasure. Maybe our plants sense what we have been through the last year and are over producing to compensate. Just my crazy thinking 🤷♀️❤️

@hkyfvr I love that way of thinking 🥰 they give a bit of the happiness back that we lost ☺️ beautiful sentiment ❤️

Thanks so much Kerry 💗😍 @kez001uk
Early Spring 2020

#dwarf-rhododendron #rhododendron

Write me please ! Please only write


What a gorgeous colour 💜💜💜

Love this one Kerry!💘😍

Lovely 💜

Smashing colour💜

@Sesiltamen 😊

@pelly thank you Jane 😀

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley 😃

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😄

@alan1111 thank you Alan 😁
Late Summer 2019

More flowers opening 😐


@ublaszko great colour isn’t it, just the wrong time to see it again 😆

Love the colour. It's like a jewel! 💍I'm sure it goes nicely with your nail polish 😍

@ublaszko it is pretty much identical to the bluer purple around the edges 😂

Mid Spring 2019

Lovely, peaceful color.

@janetandjim thank you 😊 was lovely before hailstones destroyed it last week 😐

If that’s destroyed it must be totally terrific. It looks great now. It’s cold here. Cold and wet. I dislike days when I can’t get outside

Love this one!💘😍

@janetandjim this photo was from the morning of the hailstorm. It now sits in a purple petal patch 😂

@ShelleySnyder thanks Shelley ☺️ me too but it’s over for another year ☹️

I know! So is mine 😢💘😍

Sorry about the damage. At least it the point when it was looking at its best 💜

My favourite colour 💜💜

@jeatacake can’t control the weather sadly 😅 but you’re right, at least it was past it’s best already 😜

@gjones thank you Katy 😀 shame they’re not in bloom for a bit longer though ☹️

@ublaszko it’s such a lovely soft shade 💜
Mid Spring 2019

💜🐝💜 #wildlifewednesday

Morning my little night walker lol 😂 @kez001uk

Brilliant photo 👌 That bee has good taste 😉😁


Very, very beautiful! 🙂👍

@wtwitchell6969 evening Wayne 😊

@jeatacake thanks Jeff 😁 the bees seem to congregate on it, like an asbo gang with better manners 🤣

@pelly thanks Jane 😁

@david71 thank you David ☺️

Ha ha! My ceanothus is like that right now. A hive of activity 😀🐝

I don’t wonder at it! It’s looking lovely 💙 still waiting on mine to open but is full of buds ☺️

Could do with a chat
Mid Spring 2019

Great shot!💜💜💘😍

@ShelleySnyder thank you muchly ☺️

My pleasure!💘😍

Yours are pretty too. I love how pretty those are!! Do they bloom all summer?👍🏻👍🏻🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin thanks Terri 😁 this is the first time I’ve seen it in bloom so not too sure how long they are in flower. I wouldn’t think it’s long though

@gjones thank you 💜 these set buds in autumn. Seems like a pretty resilient plant but suffered in the heat last summer so was surprised it flowered at all

@gjones they should be ok, I read they’re hardy to -15. Think the only real issue with the buds is lack of water in winter


Morning Kerry 💜💖💜

Superb Kerry 💜💜💜

Beautiful 💜💜💜

@gjones will you need to overwinter it indoors? 😜
Mid Spring 2019

So gorgeous! I'll have to show my standard 😉💘😍

@ShelleySnyder I’m pretty pleased with it given I thought it had died off last summer 🙈 oooh, I look forward to seeing it 😁

Well I guess you should be then! 💘😍

@ShelleySnyder thank you Shelley 😁

Very welcome!💘😍
Mid Spring 2019

That's so pretty Kez. My 2 aren't out yet 😊😊💜💜

@midnightgardener thank you Christine 😊 seemed to flower out of nowhere! Hope yours are on their way 😁

Love the colour 💜💜

@kez001uk One inparticular has grown quite big so, I'm hoping for a good show. Mine pink/red ❤💕

@gjones thank you Katy ☺️ it’s like a ball of lilac today 💜

@pelly thanks Jane 😁

@midnightgardener oooh, pink sounds good 😛 I look forward to seeing your photos 😊

@gjones you won’t be disappointed if it is, it’s such a pretty colour 😁 I’m really looking forward to seeing your garden again this year ☺️

@gjones that’s great! It’s all coming back to beautify your land 😁 losing 2 plants after all the snow you had isn’t too bad I guess. Which ones were they? I do hope it’s not snow 😜🤞🏻 we’ve just had a warm spell but in for some thunderstorms and winds until early next week. Hope it’s nothing too bad but gives me a chance to get some seedlings potted on ☺️
Mid Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

🙈 #wildlifewednesday

@cyndi 🤣🤣🤣 they didn’t even try to hide! Shocking really! 😉😂🤣

Let nature take its course.

@maldavis can’t go wrong with a few more ladybirds about the place 😛

Young love...quicky in the bushes. LOL!

@maldavis 😂🤣 animal instinct at its best 🤣😂


@wtwitchell6969 bless em

Lol if only I had the time or energy lol

@wtwitchell6969 😅

Go to bed lol

@wtwitchell6969 just about to
Mid Summer 2018

Looks very full 👍👍

@ublaszko this is the stinky lemon one that smells like furniture polish 😂 has pretty lilac flowers but bought it at the end of its flowering period so never seen it look at its best

Sounds great! The lemony scent that is. 😉 Looks like it's happy where it is so it will reward you with lots of flowers next year. 👍 My one has slightly larger leaves and they're not as round as this one's. It's pouring down so I haven't been out to smell the leaves yet.

@ublaszko hope yours has the same scent, think you’d like it 😋 yours looks like a proper dwarf rhododendron. Mine more like an azalea 😕 I love the flowers on yours 😍

That's what I was thinking. The leaves on yours look like an azalea. You're right! 👍 Thanks for enjoying the flowers of my rhododendron. I'm warming up to it 😅 I thought they looked wishy washy at first but then I bought my Japanese acer with bright red new growth and they go well together 😂 @kez001uk

@urszula you didn’t like your dwarf rhododendron flowers???? 😯😦😧😮😲😵😱😨😰 they’re lovely 🖤

@gjones thank you 😁 I’m trying to keep it in shape but parts of it had caterpillars living in it so it’s a bit less spherical at the moment 😂 (p.s. May I ask your name? I never know how to address you 🙈)

@gjones I didn’t but hi Katy 😁
Early Summer 2018
Late Spring 2018

So much new growth 💚
Mid Spring 2018
#dwarf-rhododendron #rhododendron
Loaded with beautiful blooms 💜