Sambucus nigra f. porphyrophylla 'Eva' syn. Sambucus nigra f. porphyrophylla 'Black Lace', Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace'
Elder 'Black Lace'
Late Spring 2024
- 3
Late Spring 2023
- 7
Late Spring 2023
- 20
Late Spring 2022
- 8
Late Spring 2020
- 13
Late Spring 2020
- 9
Early Spring 2020
- 12
Mid Winter 2020
- 11
Mid Summer 2019
- 5
Mid Summer 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 3
Late Spring 2019
- 0
Late Spring 2019
- 3
Late Spring 2019
- 4
Early Spring 2019
- 7
Late Winter 2019
- 14

Sambucus nigra f. porphyrophylla 'Eva' syn. Sambucus nigra f. porphyrophylla 'Black Lace', Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace'
Late Spring 2024
Late Spring 2023

#elder #sambucus #elder-black-lace

Love these, it’s my first full year growing mine. It’s fast becoming a favourite 🫶

Love the pink flowers against the dark foliage. 😍😍

@italydiva it’s a lovely plant isn’t it 😍 the leaves alone are worth growing it for but then the flowers come and it gets even more beautiful 🖤💕🖤

@hkyfvr it’s such a pretty contrast 😋

It most certainly is. 😍

It’s a fabulous plant, so much to commend it 🖤🤍💗
Late Spring 2023

So pink from underneath 🖤🩷🩵 #elder #sambucus #elder-black-lace

Gorgeous 💗

I love these. I need to get a new one (if I can find a space for one that is!)

Beautiful flowers and foliage 💕

@italydiva @hkyfvr thank you muchly 😄 at their best, and most colourful, just before they fully open 💕

@jeatacake did you lose yours? Have seen some huge ones! You might need a decent chunk of room 😅

Most welcome 💕

Yes, a few winters ago. Seen a few amazing & big ones around here recently. They do look spectacular at the moment 🖤🩷

@jeatacake you’ll have to squish one in up the allotment since it’s technically a food plant 😉

Ha ha, true. I once tasted some fabulous wine someone made from their berries, although it was from the plainer, green variety 🍷

@jeatacake oh yummmm 🤤 love elderflower in a drink but hadn’t heard of wine made from it 😋

It was the sweetest & strongest wine I've ever tasted. Lovely stuff. It was a long time ago though. Early 1980's, made by my ex-father in law.
Late Spring 2022

#elder #sambucus #elder-black-lace

So pretty! 💘😍

One of my favourites. 🖤

@gjones @ShelleySnyder @jeatacake thank you muchly 😀 it’s having a good year for a change. Usually is attacked by aphids so bad the entire plant wilts, but not this year 🥳

Looks very pretty Kerry. 😍😍

@hkyfvr thank you Diane 😄 the hint of pink makes it extra pretty 💕

My pleasure! Bonus this year then!💘😍

It sure does 🤍💗🤍
Late Spring 2020

#elder #sambucus #elder-black-lace

Beautiful million flower head, fab shot


@solly1961 thank you Mark 😀 they’re fascinating up close. So much going on in those tiny flowers 😍 really do love the little details 🤩

@gjones the flower bunches (if that’s what they’re called 😂) are so big this year and there are so many too. Only had one last year 😂

@laketitlow thank you Annette ☺️ they’re the cutest little flowers 🥰

Wow, its really after coming along over the last few days 🖤

@alan1111 the sun is moving everything on so fast! 😜

And the recent rain would have helped

@alan1111 no recent rain here sadly. Just the old trusty hosepipe 😂

You got no rain with a recent winds. We had much needed rain all last Thursday night and showers on Friday.

@alan1111 had a tiny shower on Saturday but was less than 5 minutes 😂 send some this way please 😉
Late Spring 2020

#elder #sambucus #elder-black-lace

Looking very bushy & healthy 👌

@jeatacake it has exploded all of a sudden. Had to move it because it outgrew the spot it was in 😂 not that I’m complaining 😛

It's really put its skates on flowers won't be far off

@alan1111 a couple were starting to open today but I’m not sure how much of it will be left by tomorrow evening 😞 the warm winds here are destroying the new growth on lots of plants 😫

Wind burn can do so much damage 😕 just as everything is coming along nicely

@alan1111 everything is looking awful today and still being battered ☹️

😕 Hopefully they'll recover and in a few weeks will be looking good @kez001uk

@alan1111 hope so too 🙏🏻
Early Spring 2020

#elder #sambucus #elder-black-lace

I love these 🖤 I think I need to get another one. The one I had has vanished 🤔

One of my favourites 🖤

@jeatacake how did it vanish??? 😦

@alan1111 it’s stunning isn’t it, when you get those pale flowers against the black leaves 😍

They really do contrast beautifully together

I'm not really sure, but must have died, shrivelled up & broke off at the base I would think?? 😔

@jeatacake that’s not good ☹️ too much winter water maybe 😜

Maybe? It's so odd that there's just no trace of it at all 🤔😞

@jeatacake that is weird 😜 even when they lose their leaves there’s still a structure that should be hanging about 🤔 ghostly garden goings on 😱

It was only about 2 ft tall, but even so it's still baffling 🤔

@jeatacake it certainly is!
Mid Winter 2020

#elder #elder-black-lace #sambucus #sambucus-nigra-black-lace #newgrowth

Yeh 👍 one of my favourites ❤️💜❤️

@cyndi me too 🖤 great contrast to any other colours 🌈

@lovemygarden65 it’s a beauty isn’t it 😍 especially when it’s in bloom 😋

Looking good 🖤 I must find mine go see if it's woken up yet, somewhere at the back of the border.

@jeatacake I bet it’s creeping back to life! The new growth seemed to appear out of nowhere 😂

Love this with its dark foliage and its deep cut leaves and the contrast of the flowers

Things seem to be 2 to 3 weeks behind up here & creeping is the word! 😂

@alan1111 it has everything doesn’t it 🖤💗🖤

@jeatacake 😂 slowly slowly catchy monkey 🐒🙊

Couldn't agree more Kerry 💗
Mid Summer 2019

Looks like it’s been dipped in petrol 💚💛 #wildlifewednesday

I love your nails! 💅

@Soph1e thanks Sophie 😁 gardening-resistant polish, even has concrete in the name 🤣

What a gorgeous coloured bud beside the green bottle 😏👌 @kez001uk

@porto why thank you 😌 it’s an ever-changing bud, currently blue 😋
Mid Summer 2019

Late Spring 2019

All the wild elders are blooming right now. Makes for pretty roadsides

@lesliecole49 they’re beautiful frothy things aren’t they 😁 used to be loads of wild white ones where I am but they’ve steadily been cut down over the years 😔
Late Spring 2019
Late Spring 2019

@gjones the contrast is so lovely, great colours 😍

@columbiariver thanks Laura 😀 sadly only the one flower head though 😐

@columbiariver sounds like a resilient plant! And yours is still thriving after all that 😯 I’ll be sure to keep it under control 😛 thanks for the advice Laura ☺️
Late Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

It's going to look great 🖤

@jeatacake I can’t wait to see it in bloom. The colours are just lovely 😁

I love these too & hoping my scratty one will flower this year 🙏

@jeatacake did it not last year?

No. I had it in a small pot for too long & it was struggling. It's planted in the ground now so 🤞 it will thrive this year.

@jeatacake they do seem to grow incredibly fast! Yours will thrive and be covered in flowers 😁

I hope so. Just a few would do! 🙂👍
Late Winter 2019


These are so pretty. I have several 'wild elderberry in my fencelines

@lesliecole49 I saw a fair few on here last summer and always looked so pretty. Reminds me of a wild elderflower we had in the garden as a kid 😍

Looking good 👍 Great plants. Hopefully mine will start looking like this soon!

I love this one!! What great looking foilage!! I hope it gets huge for you🤗🤗😊💕

@gjones I didn’t expect it to be so pretty without flowers but it’s arrived looking great 🖤

@debrascott thanks Debra ☺️ the foliage is so deep, nice contrast 😊

@jeatacake was so surprised to get it in this condition. Found a lovely little online shop so went a bit crazy 😂 didn’t think it was bad for under £10 though 🤑

@terrimclaughlin thank you ☺️ will be such a great plant once it grows. Can’t wait 🤗

Not bad at all 👌 There was huge one of these near where I used to live & when it was in flower especially, it looked awesome 👌

@jeatacake the colour just draws you in. I bet that looked incredible smothered with flowers 🖤

Oh It did & prompted me to get one! 😁
🖤 #elder #sambucus #elder-black-lace
@emch fits perfectly doesn’t it 😊