Early Winter 2018
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Early Winter 2018
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Early Winter 2018
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Early Winter 2018
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Early Winter 2018
Early Winter 2018

Love it! I did this one year on a smaller scale for a heart shaped wreath, worked well...must try to remember to copy this idea and have them as tree decorations! Do love a bit of spray paint 😃

@clipperty it worked way better than I imagined. I wonder if I can leave them in the garden for longer this year as they are such beautiful seed heads. Although these were in great condition, benefited from drying well. I think I need to try your idea too next year.

These look amazing!

A friend sprays them purple to have in the house after flowering, so they are eminently versatile. She has tons, beautiful garden if ever you’re in Sussex - see xx

Thank you, @Squares, I live in East Sussex!

Just looked at it @Squares, it’s stunning. How many alliums!! Amazing. The first date is Mother’s Day weekend, it’s going on the calendar. Thank you for the recommendation x

hun i think the recommendation was from @clipperty 😜 had a look, what a stunning garden!!!!

Thank you @Squares, sorry @clipperty. Agreed great garden, definitely visiting x

Hi chaps! Spoke to the owners today, they work so hard in the Moongate Garden to make everything right for their open days - you won’t be disappointed. Lee - follow @sussexwestngs and @ngseastsussex for regular updates on NGS gardens open in Sussex. I can always send you a booklet if you can’t get hold of one, they’re due out towards the end of Jan, just let me know 😃 Also follow @driftwood @jacaranda @lynnopaynter @jennielorraine @bernardean who all open their gardens in Sussex for NGS @leebe

@Squares Sarah thank you xx

Great recommendations thank you @clipperty, I’ll get following now x I’ve benefited greatly from being on this site just for this conversation, thank you xx

Thanks for following @leebe
Early Winter 2018
Early Winter 2018

Dried for spraying

Hi Lee 👋 Thanks for posting your first photo. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping Discover and "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say "hi", simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert. Finally, if you'd like guidance on getting the most out of the app, please check out our tutorial videos: Enjoy using GT! 😃

Welcome Lee 😊what a great idea 👌❤️
Thank you @ukjohnny loving it already