Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera
Late Summer 2020
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 2
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 1

Aloe Vera
Late Summer 2020
Mid Autumn 2019

11/16/2019 Took my #aloe-vera from an 8 inch pot to a 10 inch pot and removed its two #pups today. I'm wondering if I should have gotten a larger pot for the parent plant! We'll see once Spring arrives!

Lovely family photo. Say hi to the pups for me! Haha
Mid Autumn 2019

11/14/2019 Here's a close up of the two #aloe-vera #pups before I remove them to their own pots tomorrow. I'm sure the pups and parent plant will be much happier in their new homes.
Mid Autumn 2019

11/14/2019 A bit of a dark photo but here's my #aloe-vera before I repot it and remove its babies for Christmas gifts tomorrow. It doesn't quite fit the #bigboi theme for the #plantvember but it's grown a lot once I figure out how to make it happy and I'm pretty happy with it!
Late Summer 2019

9/5/2019 Not one but two #aloe-vera plant babies!
Mid Autumn 2018

10/28/2018 The aloe likes its larger pot.
Early Autumn 2018

Much happier with this pot for the aloe! It came in about a 4" pot which was just too small. This one is 8" and looks much better. I think the roots will be happier as well.
Early Autumn 2018

10/10/2018 This guy arrived yesterday! He's much larger than I expected so I'm going shopping for a new pot this morning!
9/9/2020 I haven't shared my #aloe-vera in quite a while. It's been doing great! It's producing plenty of #aloe-offsets right now. I'm hoping to not necessarily repot anytime soon since it just fills in the pot I have it in. This one is probably around three feet tall.