Portulacaria Afra
Mid Summer 2020
Mid Summer 2020

#portulacaria-afra #portulacaria-afra-bloom #elephant-bush 16-1-20
Mid Summer 2020

#portulacaria-afra #portulacaria #portulacariaafra #portulacaria-afra-bloom 16-1-20

Never seen the flowers before 😍 so adorable! 🥰💕

@plantobsessions Thank you. Me either, never thought I'd see them bloom too, they are very tiny 💕🌺🌺🌺

How long have you had this plant ? Mine has not bloomed yet

@sherrisgarden I had them for 6 years but my mother had them probably 4-5 years before she hand over to me 😊 so this plant could be around 10 years. Hope yours bloom soon too 💕

Oh gosh that's a long time !!! Blahhh βΉοΈ

@sherrisgarden Yes it is a long time but in this world we live, 1 year goes by in a blink of an eye. Before you know it, yours will be in full bloom. 💕💕

Thanks Lisa. You're right it'll go fast. 😘

😘You're Welcome. Happy to share my blooms with you all 🌺💕💕

Mine have never flowered either.... one day it will!

@catmad 🤞 hopefully really soon 💕🌺
#portulacaria-afra #portulacaria-afra-bloom #elephant-bush Never thought I'd see them bloom in my time 16-1-20
So pretty and delicate. 😍😍
@sherrisgarden Thank you.
You're welcome