Tillandsia ionantha var. ionantha
Airplant (Species) Blushing Bride
Late Autumn 2016
- 4
Mid Autumn 2016
- 8
Mid Summer 2016
- 1
Mid Summer 2016
- 9

Tillandsia ionantha var. ionantha
Late Autumn 2016
Mid Autumn 2016

My avocado has a shoot! 🌱

Wow that's a first

Can remember my mum growing these

That's fabulous, 🙋👌 @lit


@lit well done 👍

#newgrowth #avocado

Mid Summer 2016

I've got 2 pits, in case one doesn't root, because they can take a long time.If I get 2, one will go to Dad
Mid Summer 2016

I'm trying to grow #avocado trees.It's day 2 and the top of the pit is drying out like I read it should.I'll freshen it's water tonight, because appatently, you should change the water every 1-2 days

I just put two in a pot in the greenhouse and literally forgot about them. They appeared months later, but didn't survive the winter

That was good, except that they died.No greenhouse here

I've had success with these by keeping them in the dark and not putting them into the light until they sprout from the top. I put them in a dark, warm cupboard where my hot water heater is. It still takes a long time .... Several weeks, but I read that advice in a book and it did work well for me.

Good #tip @veggrower .some say keep it in the dark and some say light, but I think the warmth is definately important.Maybe I should experiment and put 1 in the dark and 1 in the light 😊

I just read this, you may be disappointed if you're expecting avocados as it may never bear fruit as it's seed grown: https://www.willsavocados.com/index.php/grow-avocado-tree

@brightcolours Thanks,I wasn't expecting any fruit anyway, I don't have enough room to allow it to be more than a pot plant.If it ever roots...

Must be only Australians who expect fruit! 😊

I'd love fruit, but I've seen they have to get pretty big to bear fruit.No space here for that lol
Avocado, getting lots of leaves now 🌱
@lit how long did it take for the seed to root? My pips have been in water over 2 months. Do I start again or is there still hope?
My about a month same question as @diannezchilds
I think 3 or 4 months, very slow, persevere a little longer 😃