Fuchsia 'Magellanica'
Early Summer 2016
Early Summer 2016

I have rescued this plant but need to know what to do now. It's says root ball needs to be level with the surface but it will stay floppy if I do this, will it be safe to plant it a little deeper?? Or any suggestions to what view should do please😆

I've got a couple of fushia and I've had them in the past, I'm no expert but I've never planted them level myself. Ive had to stake one of mine as the heavy flowers had pulled it down. Is it a trailing one?

@vickster it doesn't say it's a trailing one

Sorry @vickster did is myself!! Pressed send. I might do it a little deeper then and steak it and hope for the best 😆

@loopylauz I would just plant it normally but hope u know that fuchias prefer shade and lightly watered love a rescued plant so hope u have a good result frm it

@MrsCheerfulGardener where I was going to plant it has sun in the morning to.lunch and shade in the afternoon my garden is quite sunny most of the day

@loopylauz that sounds ok they do need like some sun as long as its not full sun all day long I had to rescue my nieces fuchia who was a complete novice gardener hers was positioned in ful sun and she was over watering it lucily the plant survived once moved

Following your advice @MrsCheerfulGardener I'm going to put it at the back of my garden where it is shady mostly as there are trees there. But I will keep an eye on it and move it if I need to 😆 thank you

Mine have the sun in the afternoon shaded all morning seem to be doing OK I've got a second round of buds on one. One of mine is trailing so does flop now and then! I'd plant it normal think it will just be happy to be rescued! 😀

I did what you suggested @vickster and have staked it