Stapelia gigantea
Starfish flower
Early Autumn 2020
- 10
Early Autumn 2020
- 5
Late Autumn 2019
- 5
Mid Autumn 2019
- 4
Mid Autumn 2019
- 3
Early Autumn 2019
- 1
Early Autumn 2019
- 7
Early Autumn 2019
- 3
Early Autumn 2018
- 5
Early Autumn 2018
- 7
Early Autumn 2018
- 3
Early Autumn 2018
- 5
Early Autumn 2018
- 3
Early Autumn 2018
- 14
Mid Autumn 2017
- 15
Mid Autumn 2017
- 4
Mid Autumn 2017
- 4
Late Winter 2017
- 3
Early Autumn 2016
- 1
Late Summer 2016
- 11
Late Summer 2016
- 1
Late Spring 2016
- 5

Stapelia gigantea
Early Autumn 2020
Early Autumn 2020

Two more blooms opened today. #stapelia #stinky #stinkyflower #stapeliagigantea #stapelia-gigantea #southerncalifornia 21 September 2020 😎🤭

Wow, very nice. 🙂

Thank you @philstalder and @gjones . Katy, they stay about two days.

Wow, this looks like an alien 😂⭐

They ARE crazy looking @steffmc 👽😂
Late Autumn 2019

This is longest blooming season for these yet. It was too cold for the flies to be about or the #stinky to be smelled. 👏👏 #stapelia #stapelia-gigantea #stapeliagigantea #southerncalifornia 4 December 2019

I love these so much!! ❤ I will likely never get to experience a bloom on mine, so thank you for sharing yours!

Wow, that's a big flower 😍

You may enjoy these crazy, stinky flowers any time @KariSamuel! 🤗💞

Yes, @RedFuchsia, these are giant and can be as large as a foot from tip to tip. 😯
Mid Autumn 2019

Four blooming today! Our temperature was in the low 70's today, so they weren't too #stinky. 😂 Only two #flies where about. 👏👏👏 #stapeliagigantea #stapelia-gigantea #stapelia #southerncalifornia 13 November 2019

I agree Laura and Katy. 😁 Part of their crazy appeal is the stink. 😂😂 @columbiariver @gjones

Wow! 70 degree temperatures sure sounds good! That plant sure is interesting!♥️😍

Yes, all you folks with real winter setting in, our temperature sounds great. ☺️ It is a pretty crazy plant. 💞 @Susanandsteve
Mid Autumn 2019

The most flowers to bloom at one time! Super #stinky. #stapelia #stapelia-gigantea #southerncalifornia 11 November 2019

As much as I would love to have just one bloom, I'm both envious and sad for your stinky situation! 🤣

Fabulous ☺️
Early Autumn 2019

#Blooming again! #stapelia #stapelia-gigantea #stinky #fly #southerncalifornia 20 October 2019
Early Autumn 2019

Oh, the stank! 🤢 #stapeliagigantea So many flowers this year. 👏👏👏 #stapelia #stinky #stinkyflower #fly #southerncalifornia 7 October 2019

@gjones The closest I can describe is like a day old dead rodent. 🤢🤯 😂😂 Sorry. Probably not what you wanted to imagine. 🥴

Laura, it definitely gives a reason to plug the nose! 😂😂😂 @columbiariver

Katy, they are grown for there uniqueness for sure. My godmother used to snap off the flower buds, much to my godfather's dismay. 😂 @gjones

@petalsnthorns - you can scroll through the postings if you want. This plant is in the ground. 💞

That's a the smell that bad??? Lol

Yep. @Mardel, it sure is. 🤢 The flies love them. 😂😂😂
Early Autumn 2019

A record #stinky #flower on this #Stapelia gigantea. Five #flies on the flower and more around. Our hot weather is making the stank worse. 😖🥵🙊 Easy to smell at 3' away. I hate to think if two flowers were blooming.🤢 #succulentsunday #stapeliagigantea #stapelia-gigantea #southerncalifornia 22 September 2019

I agree @cyndi 😂🙊

Katy, I am not sure. I do not smell it that close. It really does smell like a dead animal. 😂🤢 It is very interesting as the petals look like hairy skin. 🤔 @gjones
Early Autumn 2018

#lastblooms #stapelia-gigantea #succulent #ants #carrionflower #apocynaceae #stapelia #flower #fly #stinky #macro #pollinator #southerncalifornia #california 16 October 2018

Looks a bit scary in there!

@jeatacake 😂 it kind of is. That little white thing is a fly larvae. The ants will come and carry it off. 🤭

Looks like a spider lurking inside there too, ready to get the fly! 😱

The black thing is the center of the flower. ❤️🐜 @jeatacake
Early Autumn 2018

#lastblooms #stapelia-gigantea #succulent #ants #carrionflower #apocynaceae #stapelia #flower #southerncalifornia #california 16 October 2018

Is this as huge as it looks!?😲💘😍

That's amazing.

@lovestogarden One day I hope to be blessed with a beautiful flower like this even if its stinky lol

Yep, she is huge. Her full width is 12" from tip to tip. This seems to be the last for a while. With the cooler nights, they stay open longer. @gjones @ShelleySnyder @high

@mardel, hopefully it will be next year. 🤞🤭😂

That is huge Janice!💘😍
Early Autumn 2018

An exceptionally #stinky #flower today with three flies on it not caring that I am around it. 🤭 #fly #carrionflower #succulent #stapelia #stapelia-gigantea #southerncalifornia #california 12 October 2018

I am glad you are enjoying @gjones, as I really like how many flowers this year. ❤️

I hope not! @gjones, it grows between their house and mine in between our master bedrooms. I can not smell it inside even when the window is open, so I am guessing they can least they have never asked what the stink is! 😂😂😂❤️
Early Autumn 2018

Her next bloom. @wilko this is the #Stapelia Gigantia. From side tip to opposite side tip is a bit over 12". @KelsiBriana #fly #ants #succulent #stinky #stapelia-gigantea #stapeliagigantea #southerncalifornia #california 7 October 2018

Yep, @KelsiBriana outside for sure....I scared the other fly off. 🤭😂

@cyndi, I agree they do have the apt common name of #starfishflower. ❤️🤭😂🏖️

Wow that’s amazing 😮 the smell bad Janice 🤔
Early Autumn 2018

This flower has pushed through the #sprinkler pipes to give it her best. 😂❤️ Flies still found it. #ifthereisawillthereisaway #stapelia #stapeliaflower #stapelia-gigantea #stapeliagigantea #starfishflower #succulent #southerncalifornia #california 4 October 2018


Early Autumn 2018

Today's #stinky #flower. 🤭🤧 ❤️ #stapeliagigantea #stapelia-gigantea #stapelia #starfishflower #succulent #southerncalifornia #california 2 October 2018


Such a neat bloom!

This one was about 8-9" from star tip to tip. I will have to put up a ruler on the next one to open. It is the larger version. ❤️ @gjones

❤️ I agree! @Annettenoosa @kimguy @KelsiBriana

But fabulous 👌

This is so beautiful I never seen this type of flower but then again before I joined @teamgardentags @usgardentags I knew nothing much of anything I am so happy I did and this beauty I must get. Thanks for sharing love

Howdy, g8 flower does this type emit an unpleasant odor?? Txs 🤢

@juliesgarden it is a lovely. 😉❤️

@mardel, we have all learned from each other. 👏👏👏 Email me:

@tracygarden, this is a definite stinky flower🤭. My sweet Godmother used to pick the buds off and throw them away. 😂 🤭

Looks good anyway😀🤮😀
Mid Autumn 2017

#Stapeliagigantea is a #carrionflower that emits the stench of rotting flesh. The flower's hairy, leathery #texture is believed to mimic the rotting flesh of a dead animal to lure the #fly as it's #pollinator .

I thought that was a hairy leg 🤢

Very strange 😯

I'm with@hailstarscream I thought it was a hairy leg, but with heavy veining!!😂😂😂💘😍

wow. ☺

I agree. My thought was some sort of injury or stinging on someones hairy body part 🤣

Def creepy, don't think I want one. I thought it was a toxic reaction on someone's arm or leg

Scary, I thought someone's arm and some horrific worm infestation.

Fab picture ! Im a nurse and thought omg look at that weird injury maybe jellyfish stings lol !!!! 😆😆😆😆😆

Sorry to creep you all out! ❤😂😂😂 Pretty funny, though, knowing it is a flower. 😂😂. I see exactly what you all see though. 😱😫 @hailstarscream @Keely @ShelleySnyder @columbiariver @deekay @lesliecole49 @rosegardengirl @Muzz67 😂😂❤❤


It is just amazing. At first glance I thought it was a pick of a hairy arm with injury. It is the nurse in me. Lol.
Mid Autumn 2017

#stapelia #stapeliagrandiflora #succulent #blooming #flower

Love this!!💘😍

Love it! Could I get some cuttings of this,plz?😁 I'd love trying to grow it. I've been looking for it here and just no!

Yes. I must warn you though, that if you have to bring it inside while it is blooming, you are going to regret it! 😫😂
Mid Autumn 2017

She is #blooming nicely. No flies today. #succulent #stapelia #starfishcactus #starfishflower



That's a very impressive flower! 😍
Late Winter 2017

With a drilled hole at bottom. #thriftythursday #succulent #thriftshop

That's what I do too

Gorgeous 😍😍👌
Early Autumn 2016

Another one getting ready to open! I counted a total of ten flowers on this plant!
Late Summer 2016

This flower attracts flies instead of bees. It is so intricate in coloring and even the 'fur'. The bud goes a long time before it finally pops open!


I need one!

#wishlistwednesday this is an interesting succulent that I'm dying to have!

@lovestogarden - that is a unique carnivorous plant!

@KariSamuel to clarify, this a Succulent, not considered a carnivorous plant. It attracts flies because it smells. Check this out:

Oh my.... @lovestogarden

I just measured mine and from left star tip to right star tip is 12"!


@hannahchristine this is the one in this family you must have heard about. It is very stinky so it attracts flies, not bees. 😫 But, I must say, it's beauty is worth the flies. 😱

@lovestogarden yes thats the one and it is a beauty amongst the flies
Late Summer 2016

It opened!
Late Spring 2016

Help me identify this plant

I'm guessing a kind of stapeliad?

Thanks, that will get me started.

Thank you

I just saw the pics📷 of its beautiful🌟 opening!
So very #stinky with multiple #flowers! #stapelia #stinkybutbeautiful #stapeliagigantea #southerncalifornia 26 September 2020 🤭😷🗑️⚰️
Add a Stapelia lepida or two and they can have a stench-off!
Any tips on growing these. A friend recently sent me a cutting
😂😂 @emch
@janetandjim - your cutting will need to scab over really well. Plant it shallow or just lay it directly on top. They rot very easily, so do NOT over water; dry out in between. They need to mature some before they bloom, so it can take years. It is worth the wait.
Thank you. My cutting has rooted (I have it a little tug and it resisted). Good to know about the overwatering. I made a chart to print early this morning as what is summer and what is winter dormant to remind myself about overwatering. (Visual learner here)
Nice, @janetandjim enjoy!
Do you have these planted in the ground? If so how fast do they spread and what is the maintenance on them?🌞
These are in the ground. I have them getting water (more like drips and mist) and other than that, zero maintenance. They did take a beating when my invasive oxalis grew all around and through them, but most of them withstood it. I also throw plant food on them usually. They do not spread fast and shallow roots make them easy to pull. @sunlovin
Ok Thanks. I didn’t know whether it would be a lot of work to keep them. 😊🌞