Papaver somniferum
Late Spring 2016
Late Spring 2016

Help me identify this plant

Hello Laura 👋 Thanks for posting what we hope will be the first of many photos. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping on Discover and then "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say 'hello', simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert in their profile. Enjoy using GT! 😃

Thanks also for asking us to help identify your plant #PlantID. Fellow GT'ers are you able to help Laura? @PlantDoctor @David @barbaramatthews @justin @richard.spicer.7906 @thedanielrichards @Garyg @linfoster @joanboston @mr_plantgeek @tiggrx @kathy @mikethegardener @GREENFINGERSLTD

Hello 👋🏼 this looks like an Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum)

Thanks! Can't wait to see it flower.

They are spectacular structures, definitely good to see them, but they don't last that long unfortunately so keep regular check on it so that you don't miss it 👍🏼 @lscott
She popped!