Allium sativum
Early Summer 2019
- 2
Early Summer 2019
- 2
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 4
Late Summer 2018
- 2

Allium sativum
Early Summer 2019
Early Summer 2019

First one pulled up lastnight other 2 arnt quite ready. #gyo

@gjones my nabour who Is a massive veg grower is very jealous of it. I hope yours have come out ok and are a good size
Mid Autumn 2018

Well and truly ahead and up now #early
Mid Autumn 2018

One of the garlics also seems to be a bit ahead. Excuse the anti cat devises of rose cuttings and polls. We have a problem with lots of them round here using peoples gardens as toilets.

Ooh does that work? The Rose stems? I’m always looking for new ways to stop the local cats using my beds and pots as their toilet!! Hence my use of plastic cutlery!!

@bluefox23 it helps the canes make it hard for them to jump onto the beds. And anythink spiky like holly and spiney rose cuttings work well holly is perticularly affective. but i also have 2 sonic deternts. One on an end wall to keep them from walking along one wall and one in a diffrent bed that mostly keeps them out. But i have to charge it this time of year as it doesnt get enought ligjt to keep it charged. If you see them water pistols are good as it doesnt hurt them but they dont like it.

Ok will add that to my list of armoury!! 😂
Late Summer 2018

Thought id give this a try. Would have liked to get elephant garlic but couldnt find any

I grow garlic too I just buy from a fruit and veg shop let it sprout and then plant it
Pulled the other 2 bulbs last night. Very pleased with the sizes of them. #gyo #garlic
Thank you @gjones they were an experiment.