Amaryllis belladonna
Jersey Lily
- Late Autumn 2023
- 10
- 1
- Early Autumn 2023
- 21
- 3
- Mid Winter 2021
- 7
- 1
- Early Winter 2021
- 10
- 1
- Early Winter 2021
- 9
- 1
- Late Autumn 2021
- 8
- 2
- Mid Summer 2021
- 7
- 1
Amaryllis belladonna
- Late Autumn 2023
- 10
- Early Autumn 2023
- 21
My #jerseylily starting to come out. #barenakedlady #amaryllispink beautiful colours and they have the most awesome looking pearl like seeds.
They look wonderful Amanda 👍🏼
Thanks so much @richard.spicer.7906
- Mid Winter 2021
- 7
So much growth, so green. Can't wait till next autumn for the flowers once the leaves die down. #jerseylily #barenakedlady #bulbs #foliage
- Early Winter 2021
- 10
Such a nice green colour. I feel like the leaves are desperate to free themselves on the bottom one. Can't wait for the flowers next autumn. #amaryllisbelladonna #jerseylily #bulbs #swipeforprogress
- Early Winter 2021
- 9
So happy about the growth on these. Like the crocus complete surprise. I did read up on them I swear. Lol #amaryllisbelladonna #jerseylily #bulbs
- Late Autumn 2021
- 8
Pretty sure you're 4 months early little one. No growing until spring. #jerseylily #bulbs #amaryllis
OK so it seems the foliage comes up through winter, then dies back over summer to grow the flower minus foliage in autumn. Poor thing been so neglected, even worse than the saffron. Have some water child. I'm sorry. Lol
- Mid Summer 2021
- 7
Never planted bulbs before but I thought id give it a go. 2 bare naked ladies, planted and ready to go. Good luck little ones. #bulbs #barenakedlady #growninpots #belladonna
I love the seeds on the #jerseylilyammaryllisbelladona it looks like a pearl. Here it in on the plant and when I've taken it off. #bulb #jerseylily #ammaryllis