Stapelia gigantea
Starfish flower
Early Autumn 2021
- 12
Late Spring 2020
- 2
Late Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 7

Stapelia gigantea
Early Autumn 2021
Late Spring 2020

@lovestogarden Hey love just a little update on the cutting you generously shared with me. I have shared so many cuttings with family and look how it continues to give me love. I'm going to let it grow out and trail someday I will be blessed with a flower. Thanks love #starfish-cactus #cactus #houseplant #cutting #goodfriends #stapelia

She looks great! So glad you had enough to share and keep. I'm not sure you will feel "blessed" when you smell the flower. 😂😖🙊 Always my pleasure. 🤗💞
Late Autumn 2018

My starfish plant is growing ,he's very happy! 😊 #starfishcactus #cutting #cactus #starfishplant #stapeliagigantea
Early Autumn 2018

My #stapeliagigantea cutting a very generous cutting. Thanks love @lovestogarden

Give her some good sun and she may give you a stinky flower this year. My friend got a cutting and she is already trying to bloom. ❤️❤️

@lovestogarden I will, thank you for the advance

😂😂😂 you are welcome. You may not thank me once it blooms. 😂😂😜🤭🤧 ❤️❤️

@lovestogarden lol

Sweetheart - it looks like I haven't been following you for some time?? You are the second one I found today! Wondered where you went!! 😘

@KariSamuel Really? That's weird I'm still around just not into plants lately ,this funk I'm in . I did manage to kill my hibiscus tree...took it outside to spray it for bugs and forgot to bring it in and the next day it was frozen..I brought it inside I still have it ,hoping for a miracle
Look at this gorgeous flower, not smelly but beautiful. This plant flowered late September is that a normal thing? It came from a small cutting and now it's huge and I even shared some . Thanks to my wonderful #gtfriends I'm able to enjoy beautiful plants. @lovestogarden you lady are wonderful. 😘😘😘
A huge beauty!🌞
Wow! I wish mine would produce a flower!!
NOT smelly? Mine is highly #fragrant @mardel so I am puzzled. @KariSamuel ideal conditions for these include half a day of full sun and the other half in bright shade, plus regular doses of cactus fertilizer...
In my gardens the only 6+ hours of full sun would be on our roof! 🥴 Being in Wisconsin, I will never be able to find the ideal growing conditions for growing cactus as beautiful as some of you! @emch @mardel - How is this doing now??
@KariSamuel Hi love ,how have you been? I still have it its on my front porch with direct sun, no flowers yet. @emch yes direct sun and very airy soil
@KariSamuel I strongly recommend plant lights then! The flowers are not to be missed!
I have grow lights in 2 of my grow rooms. I have to get a few more I guess so they are more dedicated to individual light hogs! @emch
I've been okay. The side effects of radiation treatments are long lasting... I struggle to be honest! @mardel But I don't complain to much!
@KariSamuel I pray for you everyday. 🙏
I never saw this post! Sorry I never responded. 💞🤗💞🤗