Early Spring 2024
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Late Winter 2020
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Early Spring 2019
- 3
Early Spring 2019
- 1
Early Spring 2019
- 11
Mid Spring 2018
- 4

Early Spring 2024
Late Winter 2020
Early Spring 2019

I love my Camellia!! Two flowers in bloom and more buds on her too 😊😊Have a woderful Easter weekend friends ❤❤❤❤

Have a lovely holiday weekend too 😊😊

@ublaszko I sure will try it's going to be lovely and sunny come Saturday!! Woo hoooo!😃❤❤
Early Spring 2019

I can hardly wait for this one to bloom I've counted 5 or 6 buds so far. She hasn't had that many buds before. Happy days 😊😊💕💕💕💕
Early Spring 2019

My little one flower Camellia 😊😊❤❤❤❤

I have one of those one flower camellias 😉 Mine is pink but the bud hasn't opened yet.

Beautiful 😍

That's a cracker of a cameilia 😍👌❤

😃@jeatacake Only a little un but it's a start Camilla the Carmellia's first flower. I was pleasantly surprised I thought I'd put her in the wrong place. Well I have really-slap bang right next to a mean looking 'I'll hide you and she won't see you' Pampass Grass. It's like a Triffid!! Taking over completely. But I did hear Peter the Pampass cry out 'oh no not the garden shearers. Show mercy ma' am show mercy won't you' 'No not I' said the Midnightgardener as she took to Peter with the againly

@jeatacake Ungainly (rather) sight of the garden shearers. Peter didn't like the look in her eyes. He froze. For he could do no other. He braced himself for the torture that was to be fall him. Snip snip clank clank snip snip those not so sharp shearers did their worst. The lady gardener smiled when she saw the pretty red face of her Camilla. Just one flower but it was a beauty. Peter sobbed as he planned his revenge on the midnight gardener. Wah ha ha he laughed devilishly 'I shall have

@jeatacake 'I shall have my revenge' 😈😊😊❤❤

There's material there for a possible new book? 🤔😁 It might be better to move it when it's finished flowering. It's a shame as it's clearly in a spot it likes with non-alkaline soil.

@jeatacake Ah yes I'm glad you told me that. Knowing me I'd have been at it with trowel in hand! 😈Poor Peter Pampass would've panicked 'oh not again' he cried 'woman's gone mad I tell you' 😕

Yes, I think it would be better all round if Camilla moved away from Peter's overbearing presence! 😀

@jeatacake Yes indeed. He needs his own space plus it'll give him the room he needs to spread out. 😊😊
Mid Spring 2018

Originally I put this in a pot as it is here, then I read it should go in the garden so, it's where it should be now 😊😊#harrogatespringflowershow2018 is anyone going? I am. It runs from the 26th Apr to the 29th Apr. I can't wait!! ❤❤

There’s a few of us going on Sunday Christine, what day are you going? 🤔🤔

@pelly Wow!!😃That's the day I'm hoping to go! Thank you for replying 😊Have you been before? A certain someone is trying to put me off going making it sound like it's not worth the £21. I want to go I've never been to anything like this 😊😊

No, first time Christine, you will love it @midnightgardener 👍👍
I'm thrilled to see this in bloom. Just this one for now but there should be more. I think this is Doctor King 🩷🩷🩷🩷
Pretty 😍