Ledebouria socialis syn. Scilla violaceum
Late Spring 2020
Late Spring 2019

This #silver-squill had been quietly increasing in number while hidden under a large #Crassula-falcata. This pot, which was recently vacated by my #horntree, was meant to be occupied by a spiny, spherical cactus (a play on the ice cream cone look), but my cacti are either too tall or too misshapen, ha ha. #Ledebouria-socialis #succulent 11Jun2019

A great #pot!
#SilverSquill is one of those plants that didn't appeal to me enough to want it in my collection. My sister was quite fond of it, however, and she had some to spare. I've since come around. It's a cool-looking plant. 24may2020 #succulentsunday
I like it to. I have the spotted leaf one and a plain green leaf one. Yours is fantastic
This has been on my wishlist for awhile. My trusted site I order from is ALWAYS out of it😬😬
@tiffysalane if you're ever in west sac, come visit so we can trade cool succs
Yes i know it sounds wrong
I shall now peruse your collection to determine how much a bulb of #Ledebouriasocialis is worth...