Zantedeschia rehmannii
Mid Spring 2018
Early Summer 2017

My pretty callies they are going to be upset soon. We have to move them to enlarge the window next to them.

@momasherri very pretty!! I love callas!!💘😍

Mine absolutely fell out. The bulbs turned to slime, no clue what caused it. Was not too wet. Only one lone bulb is trying to make a comeback. What kind of light do yours stay in, @ShelleySnyder and @momasherri

@lesliecole49 I have one that's in 6 or more hrs. of sun and the other is about half that.the only difference is size, of course the one that gets more sun is bigger!💘😍

I had them in part shade cause that's what the tag said. @petersburghomesteader told me to give them more sun, but it was too late for all but one. @ShelleySnyder

@lesliecole49 I find callas to be picky little buggers!!😬🤔😂

Mine are afternoon sun only and totally ignored by me. They get watered a couple times a week. I have two more clumps in the same area. #lesliecole49 #ShelleySnyder

Very pretty!
Late Spring 2017
Poking their heads up. It's 84° so far