Allium hollandicum 'Purple Sensation' syn. Allium 'Purple Sensation', Allium aflatunense 'Purple Sensation'
Allium 'Purple Sensation'
Early Autumn 2019
- 10
Late Spring 2019
- 21
Late Spring 2019
- 3
Late Spring 2019
- 5
Early Summer 2016
- 7

Allium hollandicum 'Purple Sensation' syn. Allium 'Purple Sensation', Allium aflatunense 'Purple Sensation'
Early Autumn 2019
Late Spring 2019

Morning all! In the new edition of #gardenersworld is an article about how gardeners can help to support the environment & wildlife in their area under the #growingwithnature initiative. In the article it asks for every gardener to make just one environmental pledge e.g. Plant more #beefriendly plants, #goorganic, #usewaterbutts or go #pesticidefree etc. I just wondered what you lovely people do in your gardens to help the environment & your motivation?? #beethechange #wildlifewednesday #bee

Morning, great photo 🐝 ☺ I plant lots of bee friendly plants, keep the end of our garden quite 'wild' for the birds to nest in the Hawthorn/Gorse hedge & the hedgehogs to snuffle about plus we have a great big Willow tree (which is probably the most beneficial according to recent research at Lancaster Uni 'treesforbees') I could go on.... 😂 Have a good day 🌞

I always try and use organic, I also allow a certain amount of flowering weeds to naturally grow here as they are a great initial source for the 🐝 The future of our planet is my only motivation, a very worrying subject, so anything anyone can do helps! 💜 beauuuuutiful picture!

Love it! Dan and Ange @dan5584 @anges The best piece of advice I have ever read is "It is better that a million people try to help the planet imperfectly than a handful a people help perfectly!" 💚💚💚💚 I am so happy that you guys are doing your bit in very similar ways to me. X

Very true @mrsflowerpot x


✔️✔️✔️✔️ I’m with you on all of your suggestions and I get the feeling most gardentaggers are too, except maybe re slug pellets which I never use but lots of people still do. I always want to say something but don’t for fear of being preachy. If you look after nature, nature looks after you. I love your quote though so perhaps I should just chill out about slug pellets 😉😂🐌 🐝

💚💚💚 Thank you Jacqueline, I am with you on the slug pellets topic but I think that it should be the government that makes the decision on whether they should be sold at all in their current form as they are so harmful to wildlife and also pets. My new favourite go to slug repeller is used coffee grounds what coffee shops just throw out! #advice-slugs I make a little mounded Wall around the base of the plants I want to protect et voila no slugs! ✔️✔️✔️ @awomanonabike

I am trying homemade plant sprays at the mo, early days yet! I stopped using slug pellets a couple of years ago, instead I use wool pellets around the base of my plants to deter them, so far so good. Need to get the magazine and have a read👍🏻😊

Oooh let me know how the homemade plant sprays go @cee sounds great to me! 💚

Morning Becks, we all need to do our bit 💚💚

Morning Beck, I do as much as I can, particularly in my plant choices, but I must admit that I've used slug pellets in the past, however a few weeks ago I threw them out and do you know, it made me happy 😄😄
Late Spring 2019

Absolutely essential #beemagnet material! 💜💜💜 #alliumlove #alliums #allium #purplesensation #beethechange

Love them 💜💜💜

#bestofspring19 #bestofspring2019 #bestofspring
Late Spring 2019

Morning all! 💚💜💚💜💚 Just imagine a garden without flowering bulbs! So happy I planted #fritillariaimperialis and #alliumpurplesensation in amongst my #herbaceous #perennials 💚 I know green is on trend at #chelsea but I do like a bit of a #colourpop 💚💜💜 This is my #sliceofchelsea and I'm happy with how it's coming along so far this year! Have a wonderful day all! #beethechange 💚💚💚

It looks gorgeous👍🏻 I definitely need to plant more flowering bulbs

Morning Beck, it would be a very sad garden without them 💜💜

Morning Becks...that’s lovely 👏👏💚 💜💚💜

Wait, what?!?! A garden without flowering bulbs? 😱😱🤣 that’s crazy talk!
Early Summer 2016

Happy Tuesday morning GTEr's, I thought I'd share this lovely Allium 'Purple Sensation' to thank you all for all of your good luck wishes over the last couple of days. I got through the exams fine and feel fairly confident I've passed so I will just have to wait for the results now. 😀👍🏻😀. Now back to work today with 4 lovely clients gardens to tend to! 🌼🌸🌺🌻🌹🌾 Have a great one everyone! 👍🏻😀👍🏻 #rhs #exams #allium #purple #green

It looks great with whatever is red behind ❤💜

Lovely 💜 ....😉👏

They are deep red Antirrhinums @charlottejhurst 💜❤️💜❤️

It so works 😚

Well done glad gone smoothly 👌💜

Great picture @mrsflowerpot
Morning all! A cheeky little #flashbacktosummer for #wildlifewednesday . I do love an #allium 💗💜🐝💜💗
Morning, beautiful colour - I've bought a few alliums to plant this time 💜💗💜
Love the photo
You won't be disappointed @anges
Mine didn’t actually flower - they still are balls of white round seed heads I think - so you know any reason why ?
Fabulous pic 😍
Sometimes it can be that a previous dry year didn't replenish the bulbs enough for them to flower, or it could be that the soil was either too fertile or not fertile enough. Other problems could be that not all alliums are perennial, some only flower for a year or two and then need replacing. Also if they have been in the ground for a few years the bulbs may be congested with lots of little bulblets so they need lifting and dividing to promote new growth. (hope this helps) @sharonhayden 💚👍
Oh great info they have been there a while think it’s lack of water from last year - and I rarely feed anything- do I need to feed bulbs??
I would give them a feed of growmore, bonemeal or fish blood and bone over the soil area above them and then they can slowly get nutrients from this or give them a foliar feed when they are in leaf. A little help goes a long way. @sharonhayden 👍💚
Thankyou- will do 😁🤓👍🏻