Chaenomeles x superba 'Crimson and Gold'
Japanese Quince 'Crimson and Gold'
Early Spring 2020
- 5
Late Winter 2019
- 7
Mid Spring 2018
- 6
Late Winter 2017
- 5

Chaenomeles x superba 'Crimson and Gold'
Early Spring 2020
Late Winter 2019

Even in the throwing down rain my #chaenomeles still makes things looks cheerful! ♥️💖♥️💖♥️ #chaenomeles-crimson-gold #readingcorner #patio #trained #wallshrub #winterflowering #floweringquince #red #earlyblooms #beethechange #beefriendly

Ooooh, I love the idea of a reading corner, Beck 😍 I might have to find a little spot in my garden for something similar 👍 @mrsflowerpot

What's great about a big bench Barbara @jacaranda is that it doubles up as a relaxing day bed/sun lounger with a couple of added cushions 👍👍👍

Beautiful spot Beck!💘😍

Perfect 😊

That’s a nice one Beck, I could find a spot for that! Love the quince I have but on a wall or a fence mmm?

What a beautiful garden nook you’ve created! So beautiful and inviting!😍
Mid Spring 2018

“Here comes the rain again!” 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶 #rain #rainagain #herecomestherainagain #raindrops #japanesequince #chaenomeles #chaenomeles-crimson-gold #april #aprilshowers #red #redflowers #ornamentalquince #dripdrip

Gorgeous pic 😍


Thank you so much @greenfinger14 @jennlamaye 💚

Your photos are a joy to my eyes chick 👌🏼👌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼😍😍

It looks like it’s crying 😢
Late Winter 2017

And we have lift off!! ❤️💛❤️💛 #chaenomeles #floweringquince #crimsonandgold #chaenomeles-crimson-gold #red #crimson #gold #shrub #earlyflowering

What a fab colour 👌🏼♥️

How pretty! I love the look of the darker ones!

Fabulous 🤗

Gorgeous colour.
Morning all.❤️ Yesterday was the perfect day for watt these busy beauties going about their work! There's nothing better than a pollen dusted bumble to make the heart sing! Have a lovely day all of you and appreciate the little things as much as you can. ❤️❤️❤️🐝❤️❤️❤️ #wildlifewednesday #bee #beehappy #beethechange #appreciatethelittlethings #beefriendly #chaenomeles
It was lovely to watch how busy it was @BillWatson
Morning hun 😘😘😘
Great photo...❤️🐝
Stunning. 😍