Hylotelephium Herbstfreude
Late Summer 2020
Late Summer 2019

Morning all! It's forecast to be perfect butterfly watching weather for the next few days. 💚💖💚💖💚💖💚💖💚💖 #sedum #hylotelephium-autumnjoy #plantsforpollinators #plantsforbees #butterfly #butterflymagnet

Wow again! Great photo 😊😊❤❤

#bestofwildlife19 #bestofwildlife2019
Morning all, just bringing you a bit of autumn joy with this beautiful bee loving this Sedum 'Autumn 'Joy (Herbstfreude). Have a wonderful day all! 💚 #wildlifewednesday #sedum #sedumautumnjoy #sedumherbstfreude #hylotelephiumherbstfreude #hylotelephium #hylotelephiumautumnjoy #autumn #beefriendly #desertislandplant
Hi Beck, are you doing bulbs again this year? 🌷
Yes lovely I am, I am just awaiting the majority of stock from my supplier, it will all be on the eBay shop within the next week or two Sue. @lilybee I have some lovely new varieties this year. 🌷🌷🌷🌷
Thanks Beck, missed out last year as I'd already ordered from somewhere else before I realised you did bulbs!
Awwwh that's lovely that you have thought of me this year thank you. 💚💚💚 If you send me your email address I'll send you pics of all the various varieties I'm stocking this year. 👍👍 Or find me on Facebook. @lilybee
Hi Beck, could you email me some details of the bulbs please ps.boswell@hotmail.co.uk. Thank you!
Great stuff lovely I've sent you an email @lilybee