Hylotelephium Herbstfreude
Hylotelephium 'Autumn Joy'
Early Winter 2017
- 11
Early Autumn 2016
- 4
Mid Winter 2016
- 9
Mid Winter 2016
- 12
Early Autumn 2016
- 2
Late Autumn 2015
- 14
Mid Autumn 2015
- 10

Hylotelephium Herbstfreude
Early Winter 2017
Early Autumn 2016

This sedum is looking a little pale 😕, although lots of 🌺

I think that's what I have in my garden, it's the first year that it has flowered a lot, the slugs or snails normally eat some of it 😏

Tomato feed will sort that right out!

Thanks @beckers1974 - will give it a go 😊👍🏼
Mid Winter 2016

It's alive! 👍🏼

#sedum #newgrowth #macro


I love seeing the new Sedum growth. Even more than most plants 👍🏻

Like little cabbages huddled together for warmth.

😂 they do look a bit like it, Robbie! @robbiec

@ellenmarygardening it does look amazing as it starts to open. Never really appreciated such growth on plants until I started taking photos of them. 😊

@krishnahairdo what do you think?

@richard.spicer.7906 gonna be gorgeous!! 😍 i purchased a new one a few weeks back seems to of taken. Il take a pic and find the id 🤔lol
Mid Winter 2016

Frosted Sedum flower heads ❄️🌬🌨 #frost #winter


Well frosted ❄️😳

Jack Frost bypassed us this morning👍

And us @janric but loving everyone's frosty photos 😊

Me too @mojo

A beautiful frosty sunny day here

It's great photographic weather but I am always constantly thinking if I've covered up all the plants enough. I think it's just first year jitters with all the new plants that I'm not yet familiar with 😳 @janric @mojo @kathy @debs69

I'm sure your plants are having more than enough tlc Richard and you will have a beautiful display for all of us to see this year

I was out about an hour ago Rich putting wool fleece round my agapanthus plants as think there will be frost tonight so I'm jittering with you. 😊

Aww thanks Jan 😊 @janric

Our neighbours must think we are mad Mo 😂 - the things we do for our plants @mojo
Early Autumn 2016

The RHS, in conjunction with research by the University of Bristol, is doing a survey on what gardeners consider are pollinators, and the plants we associate with them. I've just taken the survey and I think the results will provide a real valuable insight. Link below if anyone is interested in taking part too. It takes about 20-30 minutes in total so get a cuppa ready 😊☕️. This shot is from some flowering Sedum I saw at Wisley.

Late Autumn 2015

You've gotta love the appearance of fresh Sedum shoots as they start to come through the soil 😍 #newgrowth #macro #sedum

Gives you hope 🤓

How lovely 😊

Great shot 👍🏻

👌👏🏼🔍 me like 😉

Looks like tulips lovely colour


Awesome 👏🏼

Very attractive sedum


So cute!! Love that pastel colour!!

They do like great don't they? 😀👍🏼 @succulentandfriends
Mid Autumn 2015

Another Sedum - this one is called 'Herbstfreude', also known as 'Autumn Joy' in english. My photo was taken in September, had a great late summer display. Looking forward to seeing it get bigger next year.


Very pretty

Superb 😍


Lovely plants 🌸

So pretty 🌸🌺

Amazing! So great it lasts so long!

Thanks everyone 😊🤓 @hk1 @debs69 @kathy @cjh123 @justin @elflin

I love the look of #newgrowth on #sedum during the winter months 😀👀🔍 #wintergarden
Ooo love it 😍 @richard.spicer.7906 so exciting to see pups/babies 👍
Baby cabbages 😊
Babies! 💕👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻
They're so cute 😚
I do too!
A lovely specimen
Love them 😍
Good #closeup #upclose
Now that's a shot 👌📸👌📸👌
Lovely Richard 👍 @Richard.spicer.7906