Sedum Spectabile
Early Autumn 2020
Late Summer 2017

It'ssss Sedum Time!!!!! 💥💗🐝🌸💥🌸🐝💗💥 #sedum #sedums #sedumtime #beemagnet #pink #pinksedum #pinkflowers #pinkflower #autumn #autumn-colours #autumnwatch #autumnflowering #lovedbybees #beefriendly

They are sooo beautiful close up Beck 😍😍😍


You're so right @pelly 😍
Early Autumn 2016

Lovely garden visitor in a clients garden today 😀 The garden has been teaming with bees and butterflies today 💕🍂🍁🐝🍁🍂💕 #redadmiral #redadmiralbutterfly #butterfly #sedum #autumncolour #autumn #tagitgreen

What a beauty! Yes, I've been surrounded by them all afternoon! 😀

There's some unusually large ones around this year Ian @bigemrg have you noticed the same??

There are certainly some big bumblebees around this year! 🐝😀

How lovely. 😊

Great. Love then

Gorgeous Beck! 👌🏼

Hi @rachelbrooks quick update we've raised £430 for Weston park cancer charity!! Thanks again for your help xxx

That's brilliant Beck! 👏🏼👏🏼 well done to all of you and you're very welcome xx 😘

The sedum is looking spectacular this Autumn!!!! 🌸💗🌸💗🌸💗🌸 #sedum #autumn #autumnjoy
Beautiful. #succulentsunday 😊
Looks fabulous...
That’s a gorgeous photo
It's gorgeous!
Hi Beck have just ordered some bulbs and am not sure if I did it ok as not very tech savvy but at the end it wanted me to finish creating an account which I didn’t want thought I’d clicked as visitor so hopefully you have got my order could you confirm if you have thanks Ann@mrsflowerpot thank you
Hi Beck sorry Ann again have just noticed that the order I did has the wrong postcode and therefore the wrong address I can’t find a contact number or email address on your eBay account so is it possible for you to send me a way of sending you the correct address sorry the post code should be NG23 6EX,thanks Ann@mrsflowerpot
Hi Beck the bulbs have all arrived safely thank you and again sorry for any inconvenience I caused @mrsflowerpot
@anl I have only just seen all if these messages (I am so sorry!!) I don't get notifications from gardentags.
I'm happy everything has got to you safely and securely 🌸💚🌸💚🌸💚🌸💚🌸💚🌸💚 @anl
Thank you again am such a dinosaur with tech was ‘t sure how to advise you on eBay as never use anything but gts or m&s but my daughter sorted it as I thought you’d probably be busy with your business and maybe not go on gt all ok and lovely bulbs looking forward to planting them this weekend @mrsflowerpot