Luffa aegyptiaca
- Early Spring 2016
- 23
- Early Spring 2016
- 19
😜 first Luffa up 😎
Good looking seedling. 👏🏻
Yay! 👏🏻
Nope,😜 getting very warm thou.. @linfoster it's not my usual misspelling 😂😂😂 it is an actual luffa plant and yes part of the cucumber lot .. Hang on - hereI'll do a copy and paste... ⏱subtropical vines in the cucumber family. In everyday non-technical usage, the luffa, also spelled loofah, usually means the fruit of the two species L. aegyptiaca and L. acutangula. It's the thing you scrub your back with 😜with a lot of drying process to get to that point. Fingers crossed to sell in- shop😜
#Luffaii #Luffa #yey#firstlook #seedling #precious #firsttry #megainwaiting #diaryofaplant #label #cucumberrelative #freebie #heatpot #heating #greenhouse #plant #loofah #luffa #backscrub
- Late Winter 2016
- 13
Has anyone grown Luffa plants? I'm building a support and have a feeling it needs to be on a par with stone henge😜⁉️😳
They do like to spread out... Will watch your progress with interest and hope you have a warm summer with good growing conditions for them!! #loofah
#gyo #vine
They need to be in a sheltered place as they are quite tender @Naomi126 they definitely need good support
@kathy thank you #advice 😘 working on it to strengthen it more and more as the structure builds. With your advice in my head 🌹
@Naomi126 Lovely garden, lots of growing room. 👍🏻🌾🌿
Thanks @craftymother it will be soon hopefully , getting there.😜
#luffa #seedling #first #trial #moneymakinghopefully #idea
Grow little luffa, grow!!
I feel ya, @brightcolours 😁😳😘
#exciting :)
#Luffaii #Luffa #roots #pottingon #seedling #precious #firsttry #megainwaiting #diaryofaplant #label #freebie #heatpot #heating #greenhouse #plant
#Luffaii #Luffa #yey#firstlook #seedling #precious #firsttry #megainwaiting #diaryofaplant #label #cucumberrelative #freebie #heatpot #heating #greenhouse #plant #loofah #luffa #backscrub
How did this do I'm growing them this year ?/😊