Callistemon Citrinus 'Crimson'
Mid Summer 2017
Late Spring 2016

This was last summer's beautiful display ❤💚 This summer nearly no flowers , I wonder why 😕

When did you prune it? And how much sun does it get?

Mine was glorious, it's in full sun though which they like, does it need repotting, looks like quite a small pot , they get quite big bushes 🤔👍

They like a lot of water and feed, don't not be restricted in a pot, best of luck.

Thank you all so much @Gandalf , @juliesgarden and @marionebby . I bought it last year and kept it in a pot . Never been pruned and enjoyed full sun . We're creating a raised bed that goes along side the driveway pretty soon . I'm going to plant it there and hopefully things will improve 🌞

They are actually fairly drought tolerant @marionebby I have mine in a pot and seldom water it and it flowered twice this year 😀

These grow wild in Spain all over the place - continental feeling!!!

I have a tall one of these. I did some research and it said to prune after flowering. I did this and now it's growing like mad. No new flowered thou. Mines in a pot. Should I plant it?

I didn't prune mine after flowering last year but it is still growing strong with very little flowering 😔 General advice is planting it in ground . It's eventually going to be a tree , 4 to 8 metres tall

@emandsteve ☝

I didn't know it would grow that big!! Gosh. Better think about planting it. Thanks
#julyblooms 😊