Plantain Lily
- Early Summer 2020
- 20
- 2
- Late Spring 2018
- 46
- 3
- Mid Spring 2018
- 36
- 2
- Mid Spring 2018
- 32
- 2
- Mid Spring 2018
- 26
- 2
- Early Summer 2020
- 20
- Late Spring 2018
- 46
This chappy is happy 😃 being up off the ground. I must get the others out and hung in pots. I just need a kind person to drill the holes for my hangers. 😁🙏🏼👍🏼
Hi @pixierose do you have any tips to keep the slugs away from my hostas? I've tried using slug repellent gel (pet friendly) as its meant to form a barrier around your plants that reps them. The little blighters are still at it! 😕
The only thing that’s working for me is having them off the ground. I have cats and hedgehogs 🦔 so can’t use pellets. The wool pellets are rubbish. Lots of horticultural grit I think 🤔 would help making sure no leaves are touching the ground. If they are put grit underneath. Hope that helps. 😊👍🏼
- Mid Spring 2018
- 36
As the sun ☀️ was going down behind a house.
- Mid Spring 2018
- 32
One of my favourites in the shady border, front garden.
Just stunning!💘😍
I just love the colour of this Hosta flower.
@gjones Me either, the leaves are looking bad from slug and snail attack but the flowers are beautiful and so dark.