Stapelia gigantea
Late Summer 2021
Mid Summer 2021

I almost lost this to mealy bugs a year ago. I had to throw away most of the plant. I was able to save save a couple of pieces and it is finally getting some size to it. It's about to Bloom for the 1st time ever. #stapelia-gigantea #first-flower-ever #starfish-cactus #neverbeforehaveiwitnessedthis #stinkyblooms
Mid Summer 2021

I almost lost this to mealy bugs a year ago. I had to throw away most of the plant. I was able to save save a couple of pieces and it is finally getting some size to it. It's about to Bloom for the 1st time ever. #stapelia-gigantea #first-flower-ever #starfish-cactus #neverbeforehaveiwitnessedthis #stinkyblooms
It finally opened. #bloomed for the first time. #stinky #flower
#fragrant #brown #succulent
I don't smell anything unless I put my nose up to it... lol
For a much stronger fragrance that really carries, I recommend S. lepida @raynebowbrite666