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Profile Image Haley Acker


Fl. Zone 10a 🌱 I’m not a pro by any means, just a mom with a hobby. Succulents, veggies, and flowers are my current projects.

Brassica oleracea (Capitata Group)

  • Season Icon Mid AutumnMid Autumn 2018
  • Like Count 6

11/15/18 CALLING ALL EXPERT #VEGETABLEGARDEN CULTIVATORS!! There’s a third grade project my son is doing to possibly earn a $1000 towards college! Grow the BIGGEST #cabbage ! Of course we got the seedling looking a little worse for wear, and here in Florida we’re getting one of our few cold snaps... so it’s potted in generic veggie potting soil with a little fertilizer in a decent sized pot in the only big, sunny window I have. I’ve heard to get #rabbitpoop and #vermiculite to mix with soil...


I’m going to clear a bed for it outside if we get our usual warm winter, otherwise I will get a big, big pot. I’ve also been told to mulch around, but not against, the seedling. Weed often and if I’m not mistaken I have to watch out for those stupid green caterpillars.. my nemesis lol. But ALL #input #expertise #advice is SO welcome! My son is so excited! #gardenwithkids #cabbage #cabbageseedling #cabbageadvice #veggieadvice #growyourown #gyo #seedling #schoolproject Thanks in advance everyone☺️


Invest in some neem oil mix it with a water soap solution to spray on your cabbage, will kill most anything that the spray gets on, but safe for you to eat 😉
