Helleborus argutifolius
Hellebore (Species) Corsican Hellebore
Early Spring 2017
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Early Spring 2017
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Early Spring 2017
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Mid Spring 2016
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Helleborus argutifolius
Early Spring 2017
Early Spring 2017

Hellebores Argutifolius. Photographed today, 2 April 2017, at Reedie Cottage Garden, East Scotland. Love the height of this evergreen Hellebore, and the huge number of panicles of green flowers. I need to keep this plant enclosed with stakes to keep it upright, due to weight of flower panicles! Recommended plant!!! 👍👍👍 #helleborus #argutifolius #greenflowerpanicles #spring
Early Spring 2017

Hellebores Argutifolius. Photographed today, 28 Mar 2017, at Reedie Cottage Garden, East Scotland. Huge Hellebore that needs some support, as its stem get very tall, and the massive panicles of pale green flowers, really weigh it down. Sneed to be careful harvesting seed from this Hellebore, as can cause blistering on your fingers!!! I use latex gloves when handling this plant! #spring #helleborus #Argutifolius #palegreen
Mid Spring 2016

Hellebore argutifolius
Hellebores Argutifolius. Photographed today, 2 April 2017, at Reedie Cottage Garden, East Scotland. Close up of the panicles of green flowers on this Hellebore. Recommended plant!!! 👍👍👍 #helleborus #argutifolius #greenflowerpanicles #spring