Sambucus nigra f. porphyrophylla 'Eva' syn. Sambucus nigra f. porphyrophylla 'Black Lace', Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace'
Elder 'Black Lace'
Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Late Spring 2016
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Mid Summer 2016
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Sambucus nigra f. porphyrophylla 'Eva' syn. Sambucus nigra f. porphyrophylla 'Black Lace', Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace'
Early Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace'. Photographed yesterday, 14 June 2017, at Reedie Cottage Gardens, East Scotland. Close-up of the pink-tinged white flower cluster, with black foliage in background. I use these to make Pink Elderflower Cordial, which tastes great with gin & it, or just with chilled sparkling mineral water. Tastes of Summer 😎 #sambucus #blacklace #pinkwhiteflowers #pinkelderflowercordial #reediecottagegarden
Early Summer 2017

Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace'. Photographed yesterday, 14 June 2017, at Reedie Cottage Gardens, East Scotland. The frothy pinkish white flower clusters are just starting to open on this huge at the end of one of the long borders. It is at least 13ft tall and 8ft wide!!! Love the black foliage. Brilliant backdrop to any flower. #sambucus #blacklace #blackfoliage #pinkwhiteflowers #frothy #reediecottagegarden
Early Summer 2017

2017, at Reedie Cottage Garden, East Scotland. New growth on this particular shrub, positioned at the end of one of my long borders. It is over 12ft tall and about 8ft wide!!! I love the pink/white sprays of flowers, that appear all over this shrub, and they look amazing against the black foliage. I made Pink Elderflower Cordial for first time last year. It was delicious! Planning on making 3 times as much this year!!! #sambucus #blackelderberry #pink #elderflower #cordial #reediecottagegarden
Late Spring 2016

Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace'. Photo is of a 1 year old cutting, taken from the huge shrub in part of the gardens. Love this shrub for the almost black foliage, with the pink/white frothy flower cluster that appear in summer. Great backdrop for other plants to show off their colours! 😀 Photo taken today, 18 May 2016.

I have this same plant! Been growing now for 2 years daw it and loved it's foliage it's now over 3ft tall. Will post pictures of it soon ☺☺

How do i take a cutting from mine please? X
Mid Summer 2016

Sambucas nigra 'Black Lace'

@destinee This is my main Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace' it is over 12ft y'all and about 8-9ft wide!!! Looks superb in full leaf and covered in flowers! As it it an Elderberry, you can make a cordial from the flowers and also from the berries. I never get to use the berries, as the birds get them due to the high vitamin C content!!! They need it for the Winter 😀 My mum always makes a berry cordial and uses over the Winter to stave off flu, other sniffles and for general well-being 😀

Wow!!!!! Yes mine one is now budding. It's grown so much a remarkable plant. Glad to see someone else who has the same and can see how beautiful it can be. In the winter it dies right down but to see it coming into bloom come spring is gorgeous. Thank you reedie-cottsge ☺☺
Sambucus nigra "Black Lace". Photographed, 28 June 2017, at Reedie Cottage Gardens, East Scotland. An amazing a versatile shrub for the garden. Huge structural shrub, which make any plant in front stand out! Picctured is one of the many blooms this year. So far, I've made over 6 litres of Pink Elderflower Cordial, using these blooms. Tastes great with chilled sparkling water or with gin!!! #Sambucus #blacklace #pinkelderflowercordial #reediecottagegarden