Betula pendula
- Mid Autumn 2020
- 11
- Mid Autumn 2020
- 10
@jacaranda That s one is at the back Barbara.
You could definitely scrub the trunk on this one, Linda! It looks great against the dark hedge behind 😍
The bark peals off like sheets of paper. I don't know how to shine it. @jacaranda
- Mid Autumn 2020
- 10
@jacaranda This is the front one Barbara.
That’s beautiful 😍
@jacaranda a #closeup
Yours has lenticils, Linda, although not as pronounced as mine but maybe that’s the variety. I still think you could scrub the bark to make it really shine 😂😘
I'm not sure what you mean about scrubbing the bark. I've never heard of that! @jacaranda
A few years ago we visited Anglesey Abbey in Cambridgeshire and the head gardener told us that they scrub the trunks of the silver birches in the winter garden so that they really shine! I’ve often wondered if other people do the sesame with theirs! 😂😘
I'll Google it and see how difficult it is before I try it. I have so many leaves to take care of right now, and it keeps raining! Thanks Barbara, I'll let you know if I shine it. 😁 @jacaranda
I'm trying to imagine what a person would use to scrub the birches. Soap and water on a washcloth? Wire brush? Comet with a Miracle Eraser?
@emch 😂😂 I don't know but probably a soft brush and maybe dish soap, it's mild. Just gets the moss off.
@emch 😂😂 I don't know but probably a soft brush and maybe dish soap, it's mild. Just gets the moss off.
It would never cross my mind to attempt it is why I ask...
@emch I don't the no I'll bother either!😂